Master Dalong's Two Visits

Huanxin Celestial

After their initial experience at the farm, it seems that our three friends must have cast some kind of magical spell—or perhaps it was their exceptional qualities and extraordinary charisma—that sparked Master Dalong’s keen interest in our community. He visited us twice, with the first visit accompanied by the abbot of his monastery, along with his family and disciples. On the second visit, he brought his mother and four international volunteers, including a lady from the Philippines and three young men from Spain, the United States, and Russia.

The Russian young man, who is a journalist, was particularly fascinated by our lifestyle. He was busy taking pictures everywhere and even conducted a personal interview with Huiyi. He mentioned that he runs a YouTube channel where he produces many videos, so we might soon see some footage of the Thailand Branch on his channel.

Additionally, there’s a beautiful lady from Shandong, nicknamed Misu, who is associated with Master Dalong’s farm. She was also drawn to our community and stayed with us for a few days. Misu has a spiritual pursuit and has explored various meditation groups. She is lively, cheerful, and a great conversationalist, not to mention an excellent cook. Recently, she completed a meditation retreat at a temple near Chiang Mai University and has been learning Muay Thai there. Her luggage is still stored with us, and she often visits. It was Misu who introduced her friend Haoran to us.

Master Dalong's visits and the new connections we've made through them have brought fresh energy and excitement to our community. We’re looking forward to seeing how these relationships develop and to the potential collaborations and exchanges that may arise from these interactions. 2020-7-8

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