Longing of the Heart

Huanxin Celestial

Imagine a world where there are no complex interpersonal relationships to navigate, no crushing mortgage or car loan burdens, no sudden outbreaks of pandemics, no barbaric and unjust violence, no destructive greed that ravages nature, no mindless entertainment that leads to a slow death of meaning, no conflicts of interest that lead to rage and shame, no oppressive powers or rampant banditry, no restrictive laws or national boundaries, no ethnic or racial wars, no religious deceit, no manipulative political parties, no endless suffering in the sea of marriage and family, no education that suppresses our true nature, no disregard for life through physical and mental abuse, no moral decay from habitual deceit, no conscienceless evil, and no chaotic human affairs. In this world, there is no crisis of the soul.

"Disbanding the small family unit and forming the 'Xuefeng-style Communism' family is the inevitable path for humanity in the new era." Humanity is currently marching rapidly toward the Lifechanyuan New Era according to the script. This beautiful transformation requires a transitional period, and though life may feel unbearably painful at times, we are bound by our shared fate, deeply empathetic to the suffering and helplessness of others. I often wonder what I can do to help. My hope is to perfect myself while also adding more positive energy, joy, and happiness to my surroundings.

I long for a world at peace, where suffering is no more, and where the new life model of paradise unfolds smoothly on Earth. May every life enjoy the most wonderful new era, blessed by the fresh winds of a new spring.


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