Opening Remarks from Lifechanyuan

Deiform Buddha

April 8, 2004

Welcome to Lifechanyuan Words for the Sages and Celestials Congratulations on starting a new LIFE-course

To begin with, I wish to declare that outside Lifechanyuan, I am Xuefeng, an imperfect and ordinary sage with all seven emotions and six desires, but in Lifechanyuan, I am Deiform Buddha, and what I will talk about here is the Tao of the universe and LIFE.

Firstly, Lifechanyuan requires that in order to enter, you must have a quiet heart, mind, and soul, because you cannot achieve much or go very far without peace of mind. Fragrances attract butterflies to flowers and consciousness flows freely when your heart is at peace. No diseases will bother you when your heart and body are clean, and pure hearts will be frequented by celestial beings. It is only by calming down and paying no attention to forms that you can see essences through phenomena, the stream of consciousness of the universe can continuously flow into your own consciousness, then you can reach the states of interacting with the universe, and enter the mind of the Greatest Creator, Jesus, Sakyamuni, Mohammed (PBUH) and LaoTzu. It is only then that can you learn the mysteries of the universe and the true meaning of LIFE as well as know the answers of who you are, from where you have come, and to where you are going.

There are many books that predict the future of mankind, including the Bible, Buddhist Scriptures, the Tao Te Ching, the Quran, Prophecies of Nostradamus, Raymund Hermes, Tui Bei tu, the Pancake song, Geog-am You-Rog, and Mayan mythology. These books are revelations to humankind from the LIFE of higher spaces. The recent “Predictions of the Martians'' has very few contradictions to those of Lifechanyuan except that Chanyuan Celestials are not from Mars, but from a different space and time. The real record of human history and our future is still kept under the Pyramids and inside the moon. Of course you would be better off paying no attention to this and not believing those far-fetched explanations and reasonings that some people make for their own purposes.

If you want to enter Lifechanyuan, you should not linger on previous knowledge that you acquired through seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling; you should instead learn to communicate with the universe spiritually. If you surrender yourself and melt into the universe, then you will see clearly the nature of Christianity, Buddhism, and other religions, and you will get to know the causes of all major disasters and events happening throughout the world.

Let us use the Falun Gong as an example: what was the reason for their appearance and why were they suppressed by the Chinese government? Who are Li Hongzhi and Jiang Zemin? The Chinese government claimed that the Falun Gong is a cult but the Falun Gong says that Jiang was evil. Who was really evil? It is only by using our spirituality that can we understand what this was all about.

Of all the knowledge that humans have accumulated, only a single percent is true wisdom whereas the remaining ninety-nine percent is rubbish. This is very close to the ratio of the total weight of all precious metals and gemstones on the earth to the weight of the earth itself; therefore, we should not waste our time on absorbing the knowledge accumulated by humans and feel pleased with ourselves for gathering junk. What we should be doing is developing our brains because the "jewels" stored within our brains are of greater value than all the "jewels" in the world.

Lifechanyuan says that the total energy of the universe is zero. The theoretical physicist and cosmologist, Stephen Hawking also recognized this in his book “A Brief History of Time”; this indicates that scientists are very close to the Greatest Creator. However scientists can only get “close” to the truth without ever truly grasping it. Einstein once tried to establish a Unified Field Theory of the universe. At present, scientists standing at the zenith of discovery are also actively seeking ways to establish one, however they are still quite far from it. They only recognize the first four forces in the universe but “turn a blind eye” to the second four: the structural force, the repulsive force, the conscious force, and the spiritual force. The main reason for this is their lack of understanding of the negative universe.

In the future, people who have grasped the truth can only be those who enter Lifechanyuan. People are misled easily by phenomena which consume their time, energy, and intelligence. So to enter Lifechanyuan, one must learn indifference and how to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the things around them and avoid being misled by phenomena and public opinions which can and will make them lose their direction. When we focus on phenomena, we should only discuss why they appear, what do they mean.

Karma and transmigration are not matters of believing or not believing; rather, they are principles and orders of LIFE. No one can understand the real reasons behind any phenomena until their principles and orders are grasped. "Divine punishments, though slow, are always sure. With big meshes, yet letting nothing slip through". If one’s disorderly conduct was not punished in a previous life, then they will surely be dealt with in this or another one. You should enter Lifechanyuan in order to pursue a better life, not to follow a path that a predecessor has walked. You must no longer reincarnate into the mortal world; instead, you must develop towards a higher level of LIFE space, toward the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World or the Elysium World. You must understand and use mental cultivation methods; you must allow your thinking to enter a high-level LIFE space in advance, BEFORE the catastrophe comes. Lifechanyuan is a holy place and our spiritual home. I invite all of you to enjoy the real fun of being human and to live happily and freely while still here.

To the sages and celestials who have entered Lifechanyuan: All of you are from high-level LIFE spaces, you have been awakened with great wisdom, and you have come to save humanity. May you live up to your mission and use your wisdom and spirituality as a boat to bring all people from the sea of suffering to the shore of heaven.

May the Greatest Creator be with us! May God and Buddha be with us! May all of you ascend to a high-level LIFE space!

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