Lifechanyuan's View Point on Emotional Love and Romantic Love

Deiform Celestial

Oct 31st, 2006

Lifechanyuan's viewpoint on emotional and romantic love is based on the Greatest Creator’s structural settings and spiritual consolation plan for the human body’s physiological structure and is based on the demands of heavenly life so that people can self-refine and self-improve themselves until they finally reach the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, or the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent.

The Greatest Creator produces everything from sunshine, air, water, salt, mountains and rivers, plants and insects, and beasts and birds, to our eyes, ears, noses, tongues, bodies, five visceral senses and six entrails, four limbs and hair, and all the rest. All these things represent the Greatest Creator's blessings and ITS love of humans. To enjoy these blessings is to love the Greatest Creator; only those who understand this truth and enjoy this love fully can be grateful to the Greatest Creator and can walk on ITS Way.

What are the most wonderful things in your life? What are the most fascinating and unforgettable things in your life? They are emotional and romantic love. How did you feel about your first love, when you held hands with a member of the opposite sex for the first time, kissed for the first time, were embraced in his or her arms for the first time, made love for the first time, and experienced your first orgasm with them? How do you feel when you are passionately in love? How do you feel when you admire and miss somebody? How do you feel about yearning for the opposite sex? How does it feel when your lover comes to your side when you are in distress? "One night couple, hundred days grace"! Why? Why are people willing to die for love? Why do they risk being rejected and losing their life for romantic love? It is not difficult for a person who is physically and emotionally normal to feel the wonder and beauty of emotional and romantic love.

Experts have written many articles and books on the structures and functions of male and female genitalia and have also written countless ones on the roles and influences of sexual psychology and emotional and romantic love on human spirits and psychology. Even if you have not read any of them, almost all adults have sampled it personally; is it not wonderful? Have you not felt comfort and ecstasy brought to you physically and psychologically?

Emotional and romantic love are gracious gifts that the Greatest Creator has bestowed upon humankind. They are the most precious experiences and enjoyments in life. To enjoy emotional and romantic love fully is in line with the will of the Greatest Creator is not shameful or immoral, but fair and open; they are the worthiest of ideals for which to yearn and pursue.

For thousands of years, people have been ambiguous and secretive toward emotional and romantic love, “still holds partly concealed”, sanctimonious and hypocritical, created countless injustices, and set up layers of barriers and obstacles. The reasons for these are complex and multifaceted, but the main ones are nothing more than these eight:

  1. In order to maintain social stability, authorities feel that they need to sacrifice and suppress people.

  2. In order to protect the masks of the saints, feudal elders had deliberately raised children to elevate romantic love to a moral height that would frighten anyone.

  3. Like giving up eating for fear of choking, people who have suffered on their road to romantic love have instigated the general public to abandon it.

  4. In order to deceive the public, powerful people who have enjoyed romantic love have tried to spread deceptions and lies in order to cover up the truth, like people finding gold mines and becoming afraid of losing their exclusive rights to them.

  5. Poor people who could not get grapes told people that they were sour because they did not want others to have what they could not get for themselves.

  6. People who are physically and mentally unhealthy discredit and demote romantic love unconsciously because they have never been able to enjoy normal loving relationships

  7. Private ownership is a psychological cause; people deliberately exaggerate the facts and set up numerous obstacles artificially for fear that they might lose their spouses or their children might get hurt because of them.

  8. Specific unhealthy relationships bring such terrible impressions to society, families, and individuals, that many people would rather bear simple diets than enjoy the delicacies they offer.

Now is the time to correct people's distorted understandings of emotional and romantic love; if we cannot solve this problem well, then people will remain ugly, hypocritical, chaotic, and immoral. Lifechanyuan values tell us that everyone is independent and has independent will. No one should impose theirs on others nor deprive them of their qualification and rights to enjoy emotional and romantic love. As long as they are consensual and do not violate ethics or harm public civilization and order, they should be allowed to do whatever they want. You can enjoy unmarried life but you have no right to restrict others from getting married; you like monogamy, but you are not qualified to oppose polygamy or polyandry; you can enjoy celibacy, but you cannot prevent others from getting married. The patterns of emotional and romantic love are colorful and multifarious. Which pattern you choose is your personal affair; everyone has the right to choose what is most suitable for them.

Never say that "lewdness is the worst of all sins''; in my opinion, "domination is the worst of all sins". Dominate this, dominate that, dominate emotional and romantic love; as long as there is domination, there will definitely be lewdness; if there is no domination, then there is no lewdness, no abuse between husbands and wives, no conflict, no cuckolds and loose women, and no pimping and prostitution. If there is no restraint, then no one will be unfaithful to their mate.

We especially emphasize consensual love; three, eight, or even more people can all love each other if they are willing. As long as there is the slightest reluctance, it is not love, but harassment, and a crime which should be punished by law.

Human lives last only a few short decades, so is it necessary to create pain and suffering artificially? From the perspective of the sublimation of LIFE, the more colorful that one's emotional and romantic love are; the more beautiful, civilized, and cultivated one's heart becomes. The more tedious, unreasonable, obsessive, and likely to hurt others and society they are, then the more easily one becomes psychologically distorted and abnormal.

Many people throughout the world are involved in self-improvement and self-refinement, so let me ask what their purpose for doing this is. No matter how many ways one does it and what their meanings are, we can find a common purpose for this; that is, to escape from darkness and hell, and raise their life toward heaven.

Where is heaven? Heaven refers to the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World and the Elysium world in 36-Dimensional Space. It can be said with certainty that as long as you are baptized with the values of Lifechanyuan, and self-improve and self-refine according to them, then more and more of you will find these three levels of heaven.

How do we go to the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, or the Elysium world? I say surely that as long as you do not understand and enjoy emotional and romantic love and do not sublimate to them, from this human world to the nonmaterial world, you will never find heaven.

Emotional and romantic love in the human world are cautious, sneaky, and full of risks, but in the Thousand-year World, they are free and upright without the slightest risks. There are no families, couples, or lovers there; people are all emotionally rich celestial beings and they are all each other’s “sweethearts”. It is even more exciting in the Ten-thousand-year World, where lovers do not touch each other's bodies physically; their vibrational frequencies are so high that they experience extreme joy and happiness from just their thoughts. Super celestial beings in the Elysium Islands Continent are androgynous and always enjoy extreme joy and happiness. Here, I have only talked about Elysium Islands Continent; other parts of Elysium world have their own characteristics, about which the Buddha knows.

What I want to tell you now is that your human consciousnesses are impure and your non-material structures are imperfect and defective. If you want to go to Heaven - the higher level of LIFE space - your consciousnesses must be purified. To purify them, you must raise your level of understanding, become enlightened, transform your thinking modes, change your consciousnesses, self-improve, and self-cultivate until your consciousnesses can resonate with LIFE in upper level space. Otherwise, you will not even be welcome in my home, let alone heaven.

Emotional and romantic love are core contents in life’s consciousness. If you want to continue to reincarnate into the human world, then you should keep handling emotional and romantic love according to the moral laws of mankind which have prevailed for many millennia. If your goal is the Thousand-year World, then you must follow the Thousand-year World celestial beings’ way of handling them. Accordingly, if you want to go to the Ten-thousand-year World or the Elysium Islands Continent, then you must deal with them according to their standards.

The question becomes how to achieve celestial standards of dealing with emotional and romantic love? Can someone who has never driven a vehicle drive one safely and effectively without training? Suppose you get a raw ore diamond, could you see the brilliance of seven colors without cutting, sanding, and polishing? Could you mount it directly into a crown or make rings, earrings, and chest pendants? Of course not!

Those with sexual frigidity can scarcely achieve orgasms and some will never experience real ones in their lifetimes. How can they achieve orgasms? The only way to transform their consciousnesses is by practicing; along with increasing how often they achieve orgasm; it will become easier for them to become excited; sometimes they will even be able to achieve orgasm immediately with very little foreplay. Ultimately, there will be no need for physical contact between the sexes at all, just a few words or a look in the eyes, and even objects and pictures will cause orgasms immediately. It is only then that one can rid themselves of their low-level emotional and romantic love and sexual bondage in the Mortal World to achieve Ten-thousand-year World celestial beings' standards. The flexibility of an acrobat's bodies is the result of long training; do not expect to do sexual acrobatics without training.

Lifechanyuan values are unified entities. You are bound to be deformed if you only attach importance to emotional and romantic love, but pay no attention to other life aspects. Emotional and romantic love are effective links in the overall program. Without them, the entire program will run ineffectively, or even crash or become paralyzed. Self-improvement and self-refinement are both simple and complex. There is no way for you to walk through them easily and go to heaven by way.

The above is an integral part of Lifechanyuan's viewpoint on emotional and romantic love. If you want to have a comprehensive understanding, you must read all the relevant articles of Chanyuan Corpus and Xuefeng Corpus.

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