You Will Have Everything When You Keep Lifechanyuan Values


July 6, 2008

  • Share a warm family with many brothers, sisters, and relatives; our community has everything that the traditional family has plus everything that the traditional family could never have.

  • Share many talented, handsome, beautiful, passionate, civilized, and elegant friends, lovers, and confidants; you might just yell, WOW, life is so beautiful; you could not get enough of this even if you lived a cat’s nine lives.

  • Enjoy the Second Home (now New Oasis for LIFE) of the paradisiacal Lifechanyuan, where everything is as the Thousand-year world and you will be happier than in your wildest dreams.

  • Share your joy with many lovely, lively, humorous, entertaining, cheerful, and pure-hearted people.

  • Enjoy having caring, considerate, unpaid angel nurses when you are sick in the ideal environment to enable you to recover as quickly as possible and to regenerate unlimited vitality.

  • Spend your final years in peace with many caring brothers and sisters looking after all your needs and being able to leave this world happily without regrets and pass on to your next existence cheerfully.

  • Recover easily from any natural or man-made disaster, and when you are frustrated and desperate about your future, you will take a quick turn for the better, enter a new field, get a new life, rekindle hope, and radiate youthful vitality.

  • Enjoy spiritual, soulful, and material abundance and no longer suffer from anxiety, melancholy, or fear, or worry about your future.

  • Lead an especially colorful and interesting life of playing the zither to welcome the sunrise, blowing the flute to send off the sunset, waking in the middle of night and thinking of art, and walking along winding paths through secluded gorges.

  • Have someone guide you into a meditation room to practice detachment from mortal life, meditate so as to obtain supreme, authentic wisdom with sixty-four magical powers, reach the fifth level of meditation, and experience a wonderful reality.

  • Receive oral teachings from the Saints of Yin and Yang and the Four Heavenly Kings, and being able to understand the teachings of Christ and Buddha quickly and becoming a master of the generation after digesting their teachings thoroughly.

  • Understand everything in the Thousand-year world; your consciousness will soon resonate with the consciousness of the Celestial Beings who live there, and when the time is right, you will pass directly there to enjoy fully the infinite beauty of life.

  • Travel around the most magnificent scenery in the universe, taste magical melons and fruits, learn to fly through the sky, and always remain beautiful and refreshed for up to thirty-thousand years in the Ten-thousand-year World.

  • Go to the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent to create anything out of nothing and transform your own Celestial Island planet the size of earth, at will for billions of years where you will be the king to do whatever you want and to furthermore share infinite and endless fun with hundreds of millions of Super Celestial Beings.

What else do you want? Is this made up by Xuefeng? Is he trying to deceive you?

The Celestial Being Lao Tzu gave us this answer: "When one of high morality hears Tao - the truth - they try hard to live in accordance with it. When one of medium morality hears Tao, they seem to be aware but yet unaware of it. When one of low morality hears Tao, they burst into laughter. If the ignorant masses do not laugh at it, it is not Tao".

Do you not believe me? Ok, then you should forget Chanyuan values, try to find Tao your own way, and see what you will have in the end!

Last updated