Humanity's Most Ideal Life Has Been Born on Earth for Over a Decade


July 11, 2023

Let me describe this kind of life, so you can see if it is the most ideal life for humanity.

1) No one pays you a salary, bonus, or benefits. You have nothing, yet you immerse in happiness every day, no longer worrying about the necessities of life.

2) No one supervises you; everything is up to you. Yet, every day, you willingly create, give, and contribute, finding your greatest joy in doing so.

3) No worries about unemployment or the necessities of life; risks are shared, and resources are shared.

4) There are no internal laws to constrain you, no rules or regulations to restrict you; everything is voluntary. Yet, life is lived in a tranquil ease, and people interact in a peaceful and harmonious manner. There's no conflict, let alone competition or contention.

5) No marriages, no families, so there's no worry about caring for the elderly or raising children, tedious household chores disappear, and complex interpersonal relationships vanish.

6) A rich and varied sexual life without the need to invest time, energy, or money in maintaining specific romantic relationships.

7) No corruption, theft, gambling, or drugs—only love pervades the space.

8) There's no manager above your free will, only values and programs are at work, values managing, and programs maintaining.

9) Just be yourself, no need to scheme for interpersonal relationships.

10) No lazy people, everyone is striving to achieve the highest quality.

11) Use the resources within the scope of supply as much as you want. There is no designated person responsible for distributing the fruits of labor。

12) Everyone's freedom and security are paramount. No interference in your freedom, no neglect of your safety. If anyone encroaches on others' freedom, threatens or harms others' safety, the program will expel them from the living circle.

13) For a maximum of three years, everyone's living and working environment relocates. From place A to place B, then from place C to place D, and so on, indefinitely.

14) Traditional customs of treating and giving gifts disappear. No need for anyone to establish special relationships. Holidays related to religion, political parties, or nations all vanish. No celebrations of birthdays, but cultural and entertainment activities are abundant.

15) Sick individuals may receive care, but not pity or sympathy, as the basis for falling ill no longer exists. Why even fall ill?

16) End-of-life care is meticulous, and everyone will die with dignity.

17) Everyone is a labor creator. White-collar workers who are purely exempt from physical labor account for less than one percent. The wealth gap is nearly zero.

18) No worries about education, healthcare, housing, or retirement since the collective assumes responsibility for all.

The aforementioned ideal lifestyle can be partially realized in any part of the world or integrated on a global scale, but it cannot be fully unfolded. For some individuals, this way of life is undesirable. Those deeply entrenched in pursuits of power, wealth, and social status, aiming to live lives that evoke envy and jealousy, find this ideal life appalling. It needs to be vigilantly guarded against, prevented, suppressed, and eradicated.

This ideal life has existed on Earth for over a decade. Therefore, it is not just a paper theory or an imaginary concept; it's a living reality.

Do you think there is a more ideal way of life? If so, please enlighten us.

Last updated