The New Oasis for LIFE does not Value Rarities


December 15, 2020

Lifechanyuan follows the way of the Greatest Creator; that is, the way of nature. As the New Oasis for LIFE which takes the way of nature, the most important things for everyone are the mountains, rivers, air, blue sky, sun, moon, white clouds, green hills, blue water, the earth, countryside, flowers and trees, livestock, birds, other animals, and so on.

What are not important to us are "rare goods". Anything that is rare, valuable, expensive, or top-branded is unimportant. For example, there is no need for anyone to wear gemstone necklaces, earrings, rings, famous brand clothes and accessories, or to buy expensive supplies. Everything’s priority is its practicability, not its popularity or high price. As far as our home is concerned, there is no need to buy any high-end consumer goods. "If utensils are plain and clean, then basic pottery is better than gold or jade; if there is moderation and choice in food, then vegetables are better than rare delicacies". No icing on cakes is necessary and the simplest is the best.

Decorations are needed, but those in our home environment are based upon flowers. All kinds of flowers are to be planted around our residence: plums, orchids, bamboo, and chrysanthemums. Fruit trees are to be planted so the birds can perch, make nests, fly, and tweet all year long. A landscape painting would be good to hang indoors. Personal decorations are not based on wearing and dressing, but on cleanliness, tidiness, and decency. Do you remember that at the start of more than a dozen previous homes that we constructed, I asked that we build spacious, bright, and comfortable bathrooms and toilets, and then the kitchens because those places reflect the degree of civilization of our homes and relate directly to everyone's three important H’s: hygiene, health, and happiness.

According to Chanyuan values, I suggest that rare goods such as gemstones, famous brand wear and supplies, cultural relics, and religious trinkets should not be allowed in our home. For these rare goods, not only should we not buy them, but we should not accept them even as free gifts. "Celebrities of all levels and types" are not allowed to enter our homes. Our homes are all made up of simple, kind, hardworking, honest, and ordinary people. We cannot afford celebrities nor can we afford moral preachers; we only need humble workers and sincere service providers. Therefore, when searching for future Chanyuan celestials, stay away from celebrities, especially those who do not do practical work but have the gift of gab, people who lecture on scriptures and talk Dharma, and from preachers. We need all kinds of craftsmen who can grow vegetables, flowers, and trees, can raise pigs, sheep, chickens, and cows, can build houses, and all kinds of skilled workers are welcome, but never people who know magical arts such as witchcraft, psychicism, feng shui, alchemy, healing, reciting mantras, and non-medical methods for curing diseases.

In addition, there must be no religious ceremonies of any kind in our home, whether from Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, or other sects or folk belief systems except for simple rituals for worshiping the Ancestor of Buddha - the Greatest Creator - in major festivals. No "magical methods or techniques" that are spooky and have no scientific basis are allowed in our home and portraits of gods, Buddhas, celestial beings, saints, great men, heroes, or even of Xuefeng are allowed to be displayed anywhere. As the guide, I do not advocate meditation, living in seclusion, dieting, yoga, or of practicing these techniques, because they are rare practices.

Follow the way of nature, work at sunrise, and rest at sunset. You can work hard on music, chess, calligraphy and painting, on becoming a craftsman, on gymnastics, dance and Tai Chi, and making an effort on creating material wealth, spiritual wealth, and soul wealth, on learning selections of popular science, on creating a happy, joyous, free, and blessed life atmosphere, but never on "rare goods and practices".

We common people must always think about common people's affairs and do what common people do but never think about and do "rare" things.

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