The Cultural Confidence of Lifechanyuan


Nov. 26, 2022

Thought is a weapon that is more powerful than the atomic bomb. The power of thought is incomparable to all scientific and technological inventions and more valuable than all the gold, silver, jewelry, dollars, euros, and other currencies on this earth. Lifechanyuan is a kind of thought that has never been seen before or previously. It is the synthesis of all the tangible and intangible wealth in history.

Whoever possesses the thought of Lifechanyuan will have the best future.

Whoever masters the thought of Lifechanyuan will become the mentor of mankind.

Human society in the future will be a society illuminated by the thought of Lifechanyuan.

The thought of Lifechanyuan is not only a cultural phenomenon, but also a feasible practical example.

Human beings have never solved the problem of official corruption, but Lifechanyuan has solved it perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the problem of supporting the elderly, but Lifechanyuan has solved it perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the problem of disparity between rich and poor, but Lifechanyuan has solved it perfectly.

Human beings have never eliminated the crimes of stealing and robbery, but Lifechanyuan has solved them perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the contradictions and conflicts in marriage and families, but Lifechanyuan has solved them perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the problems of urban-rural disparity, differences between manual labor and intellectual labor, and the difference between workers and peasants, etc., but Lifechanyuan has solved them perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the problem of disputes and wars between countries, and Lifechanyuan has solved them perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the problem of unemployment, but Lifechanyuan has solved it perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the sex life problems of men and women, but Lifechanyuan has solved them perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the problem of property distribution, but Lifechanyuan has solved it perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the problems of gambling, drug abuse and prostitution, but Lifechanyuan has solved them perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the problem of raising and educating orphans, but Lifechanyuan has solved it perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the issue of territorial disputes, but Lifechanyuan has solved it perfectly.

Human beings have never solved the conflicts between religions, but Lifechanyuan has solved them perfectly.

Human beings have never fulfilled the explanation of the relationships between LIFE, time and space, consciousness, structure, and energy, but Lifechanyuan has fulfilled them perfectly.

Human beings have never realized the ideal of "no one will pocket anything found on the ground and doors are not bolted at night", and everyone lives and works in peace and contentment. But Lifechanyuan has realized it perfectly.

Human beings' unrestrained waste of natural resources has brought about a huge crisis of resource scarcity and unsustainable human development. There is no foreseeable solution to this problem, but Lifechanyuan already has a practical solution.

There are also problems that are difficult for human beings to solve in the fields of medical treatment, schooling, disease, and health care. Lifechanyuan already has a plan to deal with them, so I will not mention them here in detail.

Just these obvious examples mentioned above should be enough to see the depth, profoundness, and the vast capabilities of Lifechanyuan thought. Can Lifechanyuan not be culturally confident?

Can any country, any religion, any political party, any organization and group, any saints and great men, experts, and professors, etc. perfectly solve the above problems?

The answer is: it is impossible.

Who can?

The answer is: Lifechanyuan can.

If you do not believe it, you can try it yourself! If you can perfectly solve the above problems in both theory and practice, you are the oriental saint that is named in prophecy.

Last updated