The Soul Aspects of the Beauty of Lifechanyuan's Community Life


October 11, 2023

Without a relatively perfect state of mind, it is extremely challenging to establish a perfect life system. Whether it's a family, a business, a community, a political party, a nation, or a country, the mental state of each member determines the group's quality of life. The core factor of the beauty of life in the community is that the Chanyuan celestials possess a relatively perfect state of mind.

We have always given top priority to the development of the soul garden. If the construction of the soul garden lags behind, all our efforts will eventually end up in chaos. The root of all crises lies in the crisis of the soul. A community of selfish individuals cannot create a perfect living system. Where there is selfishness, jealousy, complaints, hatred, conflicts, and strong egos, there will inevitably be a constant stream of contradictions, disputes, and disharmony.

When you see two people arguing, fighting, or having conflicts, it is because there are too many weeds and toxic plants in their soul gardens. When you witness conflicts between two races, it is because there are problems in the minds of the members of those races. When you see two countries at war, it is because the people of those two countries have issues in their minds. When you see frequent natural disasters like floods, droughts, hurricanes, and wildfires, it is because there is a problem with the minds of all of humanity.

In all construction activities, the construction of people's soul gardens comes first. If the construction of the soul garden is not done properly, even if you have mountains of gold and silver, even if you have a million-strong army, even if you have high technology, even if you have supernatural powers and spells, the result will be corruption and collapse. Each individual will not be able to lead a peaceful and harmonious life.

To build a good soul garden, you must first absorb powerful spiritual energy. Without the infusion of strong spiritual energy, the construction of the soul garden is just empty talk.

The most powerful source of spiritual energy comes from awe and belief in the Greatest Creator, and from a deep understanding of the fairness of the Tao. Without sincere awe and belief in the Greatest Creator and without a profound understanding of the fairness of the Tao, people cannot possess perfect morality, nor can they pursue truth and light. They will be led by their desires and lose their pursuit of virtues. They will yield to the temptations of money and power, and the pursuit of fame and fortune will become the daily norm. Deception, lies, cheating, theft, and violence will become societal epidemics. With awe and belief in the Greatest Creator and an understanding of the fairness of the Tao, a person establishes an internal judgment platform for their thoughts, words, and actions. They will not act recklessly, be audacious, be enticed by wickedness, harm life, society, or nature.

Another source of spiritual energy is from the teachings of gods, Buddhas, immortals, and sages. It is quite strange that such insignificant creatures as humans can develop such ambitious and arrogant aspirations. This is the result of ignorance. Only by listening to the teachings of gods, Buddhas, immortals, and sages, such as the teachings of Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, celestial Laozi, and the Deiform Buddha, can a person gain clarity of mind, distinguish between right and wrong, find their own coordinates and reference points, and learn how to conduct themselves.

The third source of spiritual energy comes from a deep understanding of the law of causality and the law that the sum of positive and negative energy equals zero. Understanding what causes what and knowing that the effort equals the gain, one's life will be dedicated to truth, goodness, beauty, love, faith, honesty, diligence, and harmony. They will no longer be concerned with gains and losses, no longer be arrogant, and no longer associate with falsehood, evil, ugliness, hatred, deceit, and laziness. They will entrust their life and future to the management of the Tao. Lead a life of no regrets, no resentment, and no hatred, maintaining inner peace. Take things as they are, follow natural come-and-go relations, act in accordance with one’s intrinsic nature, seize opportunities as they arise, and approach the future with confidence.

Awe and sincere belief in the Greatest Creator, a willingness to submit to the management and arrangements of the Tao, listening to the teachings of gods, Buddhas, immortals, and sages, abiding by the laws of the universe and nature—these are the sources of spiritual energy for Chanyuan celestials. Possessing powerful spiritual energy is the core factor of the beauty of life in the community.

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