Lifechanyuan Denies the Building of Temples and Churches


April 22, 2007

Heaven and earth are Lifechanyuan’s churches and temples; everything in nature is the reincarnation and Dharmakaya of the Greatest Creator; therefore, Lifechanyuan does not have special churches or temples, nor does it sculpt any form of idols. Of course, it will neither worship idols nor burn incense or kowtow.

Lifechanyuan has only lecture halls and schools which are similar to university classrooms. They are not used to hold ceremonies, but to discuss scriptures and Tao, share experiences, and gain wisdom. Revering and worshiping the Greatest Creator comes from our hearts, formlessly and silently. To love LIFE, to love nature, mountains, rivers, earth, plants, and insects, to love yourself, and to love others is to love the Greatest Creator. The Greatest Creator does not eat himself, so we do not sacrifice food to him.

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