The Biggest Internal Friction In Life Is In The Relationship Between Husband And Wife


Feb. 3, 2023

For generations, humans have praised and advocated for maintaining the relationship between husband and wife, and there is even a saying in the folks “better to knock down ten temples than wreck one marriage”. Traditional society placed great importance on marriage and family, and moralists spent their lives praising and defending them. Sociologists have written countless articles on how to maintain the relationship between husband and wife, and governments not only provide legal protection for the maintenance of marriage and family as a cornerstone of social stability, but also crack down on speech and actions that undermine marriage and family.

I have never doubted that there are very happy marriages in the world, just as I have never doubted that iron-clad orchids can grow on trees. I also long for the kind of relationship between husband and wife where they have known each other since childhood and grow old together, loving each other for a lifetime, and staying together for generations. However, the practical experience and reality of human society for thousands of years tell us that the relationship between husband and wife is the most time-consuming and energy-consuming relationship in all human relationships, and one of the main factors that prevents people from fully realizing their potential.

Among all productive forces, the Greatest Creator is the first productive force, that is, the regenerative capacity of natural resources. Without the Greatest Creator, the first productive force, no matter how capable humans are, it is a dead end. For example, how about if there is no rain? The second one is human. Humans are the second productive force. When a person's production capacity is consumed on matters completely unrelated to creation, such as maintaining relationships between people, it is the greatest repression and destruction of productivity.

All men and women who have been married for more than ten years can use a calculator to calculate where our time and energy have been consumed in our lifetime. Have they been consumed in innovation and creation? In a day of twenty-four hours, how much time do we spend on innovation and creation? Not much. We spend a lot of time and energy on maintaining the relationship between husband and wife, especially in the spiritual and emotional realms, and we are firmly held hostage by the relationship between husband and wife.

First of all, after getting married, half of a person's personal freedom is lost. What creative and innovative ability can a person who has lost their freedom have? Slaves do not have the ability to innovate and create. If their thoughts and bodies are not free, where does their ability to innovate and create come from? If their property is not free either, where is the material condition to think about innovation and creation? Just maintaining basic expenditures such as food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and aging and sickness already exhausts a person.

For married people, do you have the right to dispose of your own income? Do you have the right to talk to people of the opposite sex about ideas at night? Do you have the right to eat whatever you want? Do you have the right to go wherever you want during the holidays? If you suddenly get inspiration, do you have the right to turn on the lights and open your computer to type on the keyboard at midnight? Do you have the right to travel alone? Do you have the right to chat and drink tea with your classmates of the opposite sex frequently? Do you dare not take care of your husband's or wife's emotions? When your husband or wife is in a bad mood, do you dare to say the word "no"? When your husband or wife is sick, do you dare not take care of them? And so on. These are all tangible and calculable drawbacks, but the compromises and concessions required in daily trivial matters also consume a significant amount of time and energy. Therefore, the amount of time and energy a person spends maintaining a marital relationship is enormous, and it is the biggest internal conflict in a person's life.

Traditional beliefs and lifestyles hold that "Upon growing up, every male should take a wife and every female should take a husband" is natural and right. Due to the constraints of thinking, people fail to realize that life can be better without marriage. Who has ever heard that everyone in heaven is married? No! Jesus Christ clearly tells us, "In heaven, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage."

Will life really be better if men and women do not marry?

Of course, it cannot be said that not marrying is ten thousand times better than getting married, but it can at least be said that it can be ten times better. We have experimented on this earth for more than ten years, and it is a hundred percent successful experience.

Therefore, men and women, if you do not want to get married, then go to the Second Home created by Lifechanyuan. Divorced men and women, if you do not want to remarry, then go to the Second Home created by Lifechanyuan. Life in the Second Home is definitely ten times better than life after marriage.

Perhaps you have a series of questions, such as who will do the housework? Can we have children? Is there freedom in male-female relationships? What if we get sick or old? I want to tell you that I have thought about all your questions, and there is a perfect program to solve them.

Stop getting married. Do not waste the majority of your life's time and energy on maintaining special relationships, and don't consume your wisdom and energy chasing after money and status. Go to the Second Home, and you will be moved to tears in the end.

Last updated