Ideas on the Material Life Standards of the Second Home


December 31, 2009

Canghai-celestial indicated: "If the present standard of diet will be the ideal state of Lifechanyuan Era, the so-called best living style of human beings in Lifechanyuan would be still in name than in reality."

This is a very good indication!

In the related articles about Home without Marriage and Family I mentioned many times that, each celestial in Home without Marriage and Family would enjoy a separate bedroom and bathroom, and it would be better with a small garden. The standard of living will be at upper middle level in the world.

Looking from the above ideal standard, Home without Marriage and Family is far behind the previous expectation. At least the standard of a bedroom with a bathroom for each does not come up to what has been expected. In Land of Idyllic Beauty, there is only one bathroom for 30 people.

As far as food is concerned, the standard of living in Home without Marriage and Family has been at upper middle level in the world. You may take a look at the situation in Africa, India, the Arabian countries, the ordinary people in Chinese Mainland and most people in Southeast Asia.

The only inadequate supply in the dietary structure is meat in Home without Marriage and Family. Except that, we are in need of nothing. But, you know, the focus in Home without Marriage and Family is self-improvement and self-refinement, and one of our principles is basically on vegetarian diet. Therefore, the so-called "in name than in reality" standard of living is actually wrong from the want of meat point of view.

Housing quality and hygienic conditions will be improved later, but the diet will be at the present level. Eggs, Chinese Tofu, vegetables, soy sauce and seasonings, steamed buns, dumplings, steamed twisted rolls, deep-fried dough sticks, noodles, and rice are ample for supply. This is enough and it is very difficult for further improving our diet standard.

The housing condition is relatively safe and clean. Most celestials' beds are made of wood, and mattresses and quilts are in good conditions too. So, nothing should be complained about these.

What people wear every day is provided according to the change of seasons and specific requirement. None of these are of famous brands or in fashionable style, they are very practical.

In the aspect of transportation, Home without Marriage and Family will rent vehicles or sent for those who need. Transportation fee for going business downtown will be paid by The Home too.

In the aspect of communication, internet is available in Home without Marriage and Family; many people have cell phones, and there is no problem about this matter too. (Cell phones are personal properties and the bills are paid personally)).

Undoubtedly, there is a rainy day in the life of everyone. But I had emphasized that we are here pioneers for constructing The Home rather than enjoying; it is not a pioneer's spirit and mind for asking these questions about the standard of living. Moreover, all of us are masters of Home without Marriage and Family and the unsatisfactory part in the Home is related to all of us, not only the guide and the president themselves; we should be all responsible for it.

What I must emphasize here is that all expenditure of the Home now depends on the donations of our brothers and sisters and we cannot use them all in improving our living standard. The improvement of life must consist with the material reality; thus, it is improper for asking too much in this respect.

There should be a process for the realization of things, especially those impractical demands by now; moreover, enjoyment should be proper to what you have devoted to the construction of The Home, and it is only that what you have devoted must surpass what you obtained is it possible to pay off all the debts which have been accumulated in several generations and realize your dream for marching toward Heaven. Much expectation for high level of life enjoyment with little devotion would be very improper for being a Chanyuan Celestial.

I wish every one of Chanyuan Celestials will embrace the spirit of those people of Red Army who traversed the Long March, the Snowy Mountains and the marshes, will embrace the spirit of the Tang Priest and his three disciples on their way to Spiritual Mountains. We should enjoy high standard life in spirit and mind instead of in material expectations and desires. Otherwise, our enterprise will make toward secular things, to corruption and degeneration.

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