The Care of Chanyuan Celestials' Elderly Parents Can No Longer be Offered


March 1, 2020

A twenty-six-year-old Chanyuan celestial woman who joined us recently wanted to come and live with us in our home although we no longer have any branches in mainland China. We do have branches in Thailand and Canada, but residence visas can be difficult to obtain for Chinese people in both of those countries. She had only expressed her wish!

One day, this woman’s mother sent me a message saying that, “If my child does not return home tonight, our family is considering reporting you to the authorities. My child was very good until you brainwashed her. In short, no matter how long it takes and no matter where she is, we must have our child back. Maybe you do not care, but whatever you have done has hurt my child and we will not let this rest. I will wait for her tonight, but if she does not return by then, we will call the police in the morning. Last night, the police told us that if our child has not returned by tonight, then we can call them again directly. I will go online to look for you and your Lifechanyuan. In addition, I will convene Microblog, the media, and the public to look for you together.”

I was confused, and contacted the woman at once to ask her what was going on. She explained that she had gone to work outside the city and I responded that she needed to contact her parents as soon as possible, because they were worried about her and concerned for her safety.

Then I immediately wrote back to her mother: “Dear Ma'am, I am Xuefeng, the founder of Lifechanyuan; I just learned about your situation, your worries, and concerns, and I can appreciate your love and concern as the mother of your daughter. I will cooperate with you and ask your daughter to place filial piety as her first priority. Since you have objected so strongly, we will NOT accept her to come to live in the New Oasis for Life; you can rest assured of this. Wishing good health, peace, and happiness for your family!”

To alleviate the conflict, I wrote quickly, “Xuefeng’s Open Letter to the Parents of Chanyuan Celestials'', hoping that this woman’s parents would understand Lifechanyuan and stop worrying about their daughter. Unfortunately, the woman’s father read my letter and replied, “Any sensible person can see at a glance that this is all brainwashing gobbledygook. I see it as childish nonsense and I believe none of it; I only believe what I hold in my hand”. At the same time, he warned his daughter, “Once you enter the Chanyuan home, you will be locked up with no chance to run away and will suffer much. They might even sell you into sexual slavery abroad. Consider what I have said carefully before you make such a stupid decision”.

Then he sent his daughter this ultimatum, “First, we want you to come home to end our family relationship, then you can live your fairytale life and we will live our civilian life. Second, I have reported this to the police, and they will be investigating everything and they will find you wherever you go”.

I was completely speechless; what was going on here? I replied, "Your daughter has gone to work, why would you suspect that Lifechanyuan has kidnapped her? Calm down and learn more of the facts before doing something that you will regret later? Besides, your daughter is a twenty-six-year-old adult woman; why do you still treat her as if she were a twelve or thirteen-year-old child?".

I have no intention of commenting on these confused parents. Everyone has their own perspective and "knows" that they are right. Who can say that they are wrong, but this incident reminds me of Jesus Christ's warning to us from Matthew 10:36: “A person’s worst enemies shall be the members of their own household”.

Since my founding of Lifechanyuan, I have suffered countless attacks, insults, verbal abuse, ridicule, sarcasm, and threats, especially from the secular relatives of Chanyuan celestials. The secular parents of Chanyuan celestials scold me, their children scold me, their husbands and wives scold me, even their secular brothers and sisters scold me. None of the Chanyuan celestial’s secular parents have offered me a single word of encouragement or affirmation while the nine picturesque homes that we created were all destroyed.

Of course there are no wronged souls in the world; I cannot blame anyone but myself, but I also have my right to fight for freedom. I declare that from this point forward, I will no longer consider caring for any Chanyuan celestial’s elderly parents.

Scold me and threaten me!

I deserve it...but so do you.

Only the gods, buddhas, celestials, and saints are crying.

Last updated