Lifechanyuan's Attitudes Toward the Bourgeoisie


Nov. 7, 2007

Without the bourgeoisie, there would not be progress and development of mankind; without the bourgeoisie, there would not be abundant commodity and lifestyle; so, the bourgeoisie should be respected and protected.

The private property should not be violated and deprived at someone's option, and private house should not be intruded and disturbed at random.

The bourgeoisie is a stratum of hardworking, more diligent and more creative than the proletariat. They contributed much more to society than the proletariat.

The process of creating and accumulating wealth is very hard; and one needs to work from dawn to night, to exert all his strengths and wisdoms, to take risks and to work hard.

The hopes for the bourgeoisie are: don't oppress and exploit the employees working for you; pay salary on time according to the legal limit of government; ensure their basic living safeguard, cultivation, and further study, as well as their rights and interests of participating social activities; do not make a fortune through polluting and destroying nature; do not excessively lift up your horn and make widely known; do not be over extravagant to arouse others' envy and resentment. You can fully enjoy the material life but do not waste and squander; you also need to give hopes and means of subsistence to the proletarian when you are better-off; one-tenth of your incomes should be taken out to reward the society.

In this way, the bourgeoisie can exist for a long time and enjoy the everlasting prosperity; otherwise, it will strengthen the turbulence of the society.

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