What Can Be Avoided by Living in the Second Home?

--A Collective Summary by Chanyuan Celestials who are Living in the Second Home

You can avoid getting into debt.

Divorce can be avoided.

Drug use can be avoided.

Unemployment can be avoided.

Disconnection can be avoided.

Sexual hunger and thirst can be avoided.

Theft and robbery can be avoided.

Fear can be avoided.

Treating guests and giving gifts can be avoided.

Bullying can be avoided.

Being governed by others can be avoided.

Fights can be avoided.

Committing crimes can be avoided.

Domestic violence against women can be avoided.

Jealousy and covetousness can be avoided.

Loneliness and solitude can be avoided.

Going to the casino to gamble can be avoided.

The abduction of children can be avoided.

The abduction of women can be avoided.

Being left unattended while being ill can be avoided.

Being unattended while being hospitalized can be avoided.

Quarreling with others over money can be avoided.

A dirty and disorderly environment can be avoided.

Being disturbed while resting can be avoided.

Being insulted or framed can be avoided.

Complicated interpersonal relationships can be avoided.

Depression and lovesickness can be avoided.

Men can avoid having their wives cry and scream.

Boredom and mental deterioration can be avoided.

The cost of a funeral for an old man can be avoided.

Children being unsupported and uneducated can be avoided.

Women can avoid sexual harassment and rape.

Endless chores can be avoided.

Old age without support and care can be avoided.

Buying a car and a house to become a slave to payments can be avoided.

Conflicts with neighbors in your neighborhood can be avoided.

Unhealthy competition and malicious competition can be avoided.

Stress at work and in life can be avoided.

Falling into the trap of money, power, fame, and fortune can be avoided.

The earth's environment can be prevented from being polluted and destroyed.

Getting along with and dealing with difficult people can be avoided.

The waste of material resources and human resources can be avoided.

The troubles and pains that are brought by marriage and family can be avoided.

The anxiety from inflation and rising prices can be avoided.

The over-exploitation and abuse of the earth's resources can be prevented.

Eating poisonous vegetables, fruits, meats, poultry, and eggs can be avoided.

Borrowing money from others and having others borrow money from us can be avoided.

Last updated