The Cultural Confidence of Chanyuan Celestials

Deiform Buddha

Nov. 11, 2022

I am a Chanyuan celestial. I stand on the peak of human civilization. What I know and what I do is unprecedented and unrepeatable. I have reached the state of unselfishness and selflessness. Among the saints from generation to generation, I am the best.

When it comes to human civilization, Lifechanyuan's theory and practice are magnificent, profound, perfect and complete which are unmatchable. Beyond Chanyuan celestials, no one can lead human beings from barbarism and ignorance to a high degree of civilization.

Any theories about human civilization, including religious books, are pale and full of loopholes in the face of Lifechanyuan’s theory, and any organization and practice about advancing human civilization, including all kinds of communities around the world, are just like children in front of Lifechanyuan’s Second Home.

All the cultivators in history and those who cultivate immortals and Buddhas in the current time and space, in the eyes of Chanyuan celestials, are aimless practitioners and blind followers who play with concepts and few of them can really become celestial being or Buddha. Only Chanyuan celestials, in less than ten years, can be reborn, transcend worldly affairs and attain the spiritual state of an immortal by living in the Second Home program.

The only group that can free mankind from war, starvation, crime and disaster are the Chanyuan celestials. Only the Chanyuan celestial group can bring good weather and clear rivers in nature, make the people all over the world live and work in peace and contentment, and make society to be such that “no one will pocket anything found on the ground and doors are not bolted at night”. The United Nations cannot do it, the United States and other Western countries cannot do it, not to mention China and other Eastern countries. No religious group can do it, let alone any non-profit organizations or groups.

The theory and practice of Chanyuan celestials are open to the world, and everything is open to the public. Anyone who thinks that their theory and practice are superior to the Chanyuan ones can come to contest this with us. True gold fears no fire, and the string state is not afraid of collision.

The future production and life mode of human beings will be the Second Home model created by Chanyuan celestials. This is a natural way that is not to be changed by the subjective will of people. No one can stop this development trend, and no country can stop this leap and change of civilization.

In the future, the only people living on the earth will be Chanyuan celestials, and in the future, the only people who can go to heaven are Chanyuan celestials.

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