Anahim Lake – The Holy Pilgrimage Site of Lifechanyuan


Anahim, an Indigenous name, means "The Beginning of Creation,"

which can be translated as "the dawn of creation" or "the origin of creation."

Anahim Lake is situated in the 25,000-square-kilometer Chilcotin wilderness area.

To the north of the lake lies vast, pristine forest.

To the west, the rolling Coastal Mountain Range.

To the south, scattered wooden houses of the Indigenous people.

To the east, there is wild and untamed wilderness.

Anahim Lake covers an area of 5.8 square kilometers.

Its surface is clear, with sparkling waters and waterfowl playing joyfully.

In the distance, the continuous Coastal Mountains are clearly visible, with towering snow-capped peaks.

Being at Anahim Lake, one can merge with nature,

escaping the clamor of the world, isolated from worldly temptations and sorrows.

It is both a place for calming the mind and refining one’s nature,

as well as a place to experience the sacred spirit of nature.

The resort of Lifechanyuan, covering nearly 8 hectares, is located on the shore of Anahim Lake.

Outside the three-story main building, there are seven wooden cabins, nestled among the trees by the water, with enchanting scenery.

This is the holy pilgrimage site of Lifechanyuan.

The Pilgrimage Song of Anahim Lake


August 21, 2024

Weary of the complexities of the mundane world, come for a purification of the soul.

Tired of the struggles of human life, lost in the streets of the world,

Pack a simple backpack and head towards Anahim Lake.

I am going on a pilgrimage, to elevate my LIFE.

Bid farewell to worldly splendor, step into a serene sacred place,

Revive the heart of pilgrimage, shake off the weariness of body and soul.

Let the eternal regrets of reincarnation end at the pilgrimage site,

May my most beautiful wishes be fulfilled on the pilgrimage journey.

My heart has long been in heaven,

Embracing the dreams that haunt my soul, I embark on the pilgrimage journey.

Even if the road is long, winding, and full of obstacles, even if I perish halfway,

I would die on the road to heaven.

The heart of pilgrimage invigorates my spirit,

The belief in pilgrimage doubles my courage,

I bid farewell to mundane emotions and affairs, leaving behind the clamor of the world.

I accept the call of the messenger, inheriting the ancient call,

Heading towards the holy land, towards heaven,

Let my life become a rainbow flashing across the sky,

Let my LIFE become a light piercing the boundless darkness,

With my pilgrimage faith, with my steadfast spirit,

I will compose a brilliant chapter of life, emitting the unparalleled radiance of LIFE.

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