Please Understand the Nature of Lifechanyuan


March 17, 2018

The mission of Lifechanyuan is to revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, revere nature, and follow the way of the Greatest Creator. The way of the Greatest Creator is the way of nature.

The purpose of Lifechanyuan is to "reap the ripe crops".

The by-product of Lifechanyuan is to create a brand-new mode of production and life for mankind that is completely different from the traditional mode, so that mankind and human life can last for a thousand years in a state of harmonious coexistence between man and man, man and society, and man and nature. This thousand-year period is called Lifechanyuan era.

The instructors of Lifechanyuan are Jesus Christ, Buddha Shakyamuni, Celestial Laozi, and all the saints and sages in the history of mankind.

Xuefeng is the tour guide of Lifechanyuan, the messenger of the ancestor of Buddha - the Greatest Creator, and the incarnation of God, Buddha, celestials, and saints. The duty of Xuefeng is to guide Chanyuan celestials to the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, and the Celestial Islands Continent.

Lifechanyuan is not a political organization, not a religious organization, or any type of social organization. Therefore, there are no legal provisions, rules and regulations or commandments of any form in Lifechanyuan, let alone any form of political or religious rituals.

Lifechanyuan does not belong to any country, political and religious organization, nationality, any kind of culture, nor does it belong to human beings.

Lifechanyuan is not against any country, any government, any ethnic group, any political party, any religion, any faction, or any person.

Lifechanyuan does not engage in any purely profit-oriented production and operation activities, does not engage in any political or social activities against the government and society, and does not engage in any supernatural, magical or mysterious activities, does not engage in activity that completely deviates from facts, science, logic and spirituality.

Everything in Lifechanyuan is clear, so we do not discuss, argue, or debate with others. If you are resonant with the Chanyuan values, you should just follow the guide. If you think you are right, then just do what you think is right. Everything is built based on volunteerism; we do not force each other and do not try to persuade each other. Do not try to guide Lifechanyuan, and Lifechanyuan will never try to impose its will on anyone.

Lifechanyuan does not cooperate with any country, political party, religion, organization, or any individual. Lifechanyuan implements a superman philosophy, that is: Either you listen to me, and you completely obey me; or I listen to you, and I completely obey you. If you listen to me, I will be responsible for all the consequences; if I listen to you, you will be responsible for all the consequences. There is no consultation, no discussion, or democracy. Or we do everything separately, follow our own paths, and mind our own business.

Lifechanyuan implements holographic management. It is neither the rule of a legal system (such as the United States), nor the rule of men (such as China), nor the combination of politics and religion (such as Iran), but the rule of Tao.

The internet is the primary form of communication for Lifechanyuan. Therefore, everything in Lifechanyuan is centered on the web. With the internet as a link and bridge, we do not engage in private propaganda activities that are outside of the internet, let alone conduct door-to-door publicity and service like Jehovah’s Witnesses. Neither will we go to crowded places for publicity, nor will we put up banners and slogans anywhere.

Lifechanyuan does not cultivate management talents, does not encourage people to be great, does not encourage people to be rich, does not encourage people to be the elites in society, does not encourage people to be the best kind of man, does not encourage people to glorify their ancestors and become famous, and does not encourage people to become stars. Lifechanyuan only cultivates people to possess the qualities of truth, goodness, beauty, love, faith, and honesty, and only cultivates people with the education, cultivation and self-restraint required for LIFE in the kingdom of heaven.

Tao will manage the birth, growth, punishment, and destruction of everything. Xuefeng only serves as a tour guide, he does not reward or punish anyone, let alone cultivate anyone consciously. It is up to the Greatest Creator to judge who is right or wrong, and it is up to Tao to assess our merits and faults. Divine punishments, though slow, are always sure, which is beyond the intelligence of the human mind; the heavenly robe is seamless, while human consciousness cares about one and forgets the other.

There are only three things for you to do after becoming a Chanyuan celestial: Pay back your debts and end your worldly ties; accumulate your merits and virtues through serving and dedication; improve your quality and go to heaven.

Only those who have great blessings, great fortune and a great fate will become Chanyuan celestials.

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