All Chanyuan Women are Virtuous


November 1, 2020

Virtuous women possess these eight outstanding qualities:

  1. Gentle

  2. Hardworking

  3. Elegant

  4. Kind

  5. Knowledgeable and Reasonable

  6. Fascinating and Charming

  7. Never jealous

  8. Well educated, Cultured, Self-restrained

Looking at flowers in full bloom, the petals and stamens show softness, and all Chanyuan women are soft and beautiful. Across ten years of effort, they have:

  1. Created thirteen picturesque homes

  2. Operated eight Chinese and English language websites

  3. Translated thousands of articles and disseminated them millions of times

  4. Compiled nearly three-hundred articles

  5. Created nearly one-hundred videos

  6. Run three subscription platforms

  7. Planted nearly ten-thousand trees

  8. Completed countless daily tasks.

From these, we know how diligent our Chanyuan women are. Ten years on Lifechanyuan’s road has been bumpy with lots of ups and downs, but it has also been sunny all the way. A group of women walked calmly, surprised by neither honor nor disgrace, otherworldly, undiminished in appearance, neither ostentatious nor depressed, and neither arrogant nor complaining. On a plateau high in the Yunnan-Guizhou mountains, in the sand-filled Gobi Desert in Xinjiang, in the hot summer of Nanjing, and in Canada and Thailand, they created one miracle after another. They were knocked down countless times but still smiled indifferently. Even though no one paid them any salaries or bonuses, they have dedicated themselves for ten years without regrets.

Their intense eyes have remained full of firmness toward their goal, their fascination for better lives, and their posture has been elegant and their demeanor has been chic. They are so kind, pure, and honest in their hearts that they have never harmed life, society, or others. The places they were in were always kept peaceful, warm, and harmonious, and those places which had been dilapidated became clean and tidy with distinct levels after being organized. The Gobi Desert became a place where birds sang and flowers emanated wonderful fragrances, willows shadowed and flowers shone by their touch. In front of them, children became obedient and sensible, men lost their hostility and temper, and their kindness created the most harmonious places in the world. Do not think that they are stupid or deceivable, for each of them is knowledgeable and transcendental, and they know clearly the differences between good and evil and between right and wrong. They know the vicissitudes of life and the changes of the times and they treat the insults of laymen and the accusations of mortals with smiles because they do not care about them. They are indifferent to money, power, fame, and wealth, and they are empathetic, have etiquette, and their words are like poems or like pearls on jade plates, and the articles written by them are full of literary talent, passion, and high spirits.

All Chanyuan women are full of amorous feelings; emotional, lively, naughty, humorous, and romantic; as gentle as breezes and drizzles, as delicate and beautiful as mountain flowers in bloom, as radiant and enchanting as sunshine and spring, and as romantic as fluffy catkins and running clouds. They are lissome and graceful as infinite spring scenery and full of everlasting love while talking and laughing; their playing and joking around is like thunder clapping. They are enraptured while gaming and having fun with their charm, tastes, and interests unfolding incisively and vividly; they are all so fascinating.

An old saying goes that jealousy is a woman’s nature, but do not try to fit that secular hat on a Chanyuan woman's head. After more than ten years of cultivation, the women in Lifechanyuan have long since lost all their jealousy. If other women are beautiful, they compliment them; if other women have merits, they praise them, if other women are favored, they congratulate them, if other women are graceful, they honor them. For more than ten years, the Chanyuan women have been getting along with each other harmoniously, happily, and without jealousy or resentment toward each other.

  • Proper upbringing is the civilized politeness learned from family, school, and society.

  • Self-cultivation is the level of theoretical knowledge, artistic thought, and other aspects that people possess so as to develop civilized attitudes toward each other.

  • Self-restraint is the ability to have a deep moral quality to control one’s own emotions.

Chanyuan women are all three: they are brought up properly, self-cultivated, and have self-restraint. Getting along with Chanyuan women, you will find that they are always gentle and drizzly like spring breezes, pleasant and calm, and never make others feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, depressed, competitive, or cynical.

These are the Chanyuan women, but what about Chanyuan men? Chanyuan men all throw themselves at the feet of Chanyuan women. A Chanyuan value states that, “The positions of men and women are reversed and women should be respected primarily”, so as long as Chanyuan women enjoy that requirement, the Chanyuan men rush to serve them. Chanyuan men are as ready to serve Chanyuan women as green leaves are to serve flowers, and to be their guardians. "One night of romance with a gorgeous girl, a happy death thus deserved"; therefore, the men in Lifechanyuan would rather wash the women’s feet than support and serve any great leader.

Chanyuan women are worthy of pride but they are not proud. Their excellent characters and graceful temperaments have allowed them to rid themselves of domestic violence and social harassment forever and to keep far away from housework and mundane social contacts as they walk towards the Elysium Celestial Islands continent.

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