How Should We Establish the Peaceful and Warm Homeland?


November 20, 2009

Chanyuan Celestial should be the most refined, cultivated, reasonable and civilized person. The homeland constituted by such kind of people should be peaceful, warm, bright, harmonious, joyful and happy. The love of the Greatest Creator should be fully deployed here and the love of Jesus the Christ and Buddha Sakyamuni should be realized here. The beauty of nature should be deployed here. If we can't approach these, we will feel ashamed in front of the Greatest Creator, Jesus the Christ, Buddha, and the nature.

We will set up a model of life styles for human beings on earth, and build the homeland into a warm, peaceful, bright, joyful and happy place. Only by filling up the abyss of misery and bring human beings out of sufferings will we worthy the name of Lifechanyuan celestials, will we be able to pay off the debts which have been accumulated in many lifetimes, will we be able to accumulated ample capitals, so that we can come and go freely in unlimited time and space.

A peaceful and warm homeland should be established like this:

  1. Revere the Greatest Creator, life and nature; follow the way of the Greatest Creator.

  2. stick to 800 values for new era human being

  3. Conflict resolution in human's consciousness is through love rather than promoting Lifechanyuan values through arguing, disputing, struggling or battling. Be patient with those who are unwilling to accept our value and permit them to think about this for a period of time. Be sure to carry out our practice like a Chinese saying "When a melon is ripe, it falls off its stem. When water flows, a channel is formed."

  4. Do not disturb other people's belief system. No matter which religion organization, which group of self-refinement, which political party or government they might be, we will not disturb them. We only follow our own way without hurting other people. We will not criticize and disturb them; and we will not say that we are the only correct one. We advocate "let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend."

  5. Fragrant flowers attract butterflies. Chanyuan celestials should set up examples for human beings through their outstanding qualities and behavior instead of highlighting themselves through preaching or arguing.

  6. We revere and love life. We would hurt nobody even demons and ghosts and all sorts of evil spirits, let alone flowers, birds, insects and human beings. We refuse any forms of struggling and we would never force other life to accept our concepts in the name of justice. Other people could hurt us, but we would never hurt other people.

  7. Brothers, sisters and lovers of the homeland must be amiable to each other and no blaming. We should not educate each other; we should perfect ourselves first rather than staring other people's shortcomings, especially those celestials who contributed to the construction of Lifechanyuan a lot, the celestials of spirit level and management level and Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. We must not try to teach or instruct other celestials but should give a demonstration. Bear in your mind that in Lifechanyuan, education and instruction is the guide's business, not yours; your business is to demonstrate your genuineness, goodness, beauty, love, faith and honesty through your words and action. You just need to do your job well, trying not to be above others, trying not to be a "leader", for the homeland is neither a religion organization nor a political party; there is no leading or being led, govern or being governed here.

  8. Every celestial is the baby of the Greatest Creator; and the follower of Jesus the Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, Celestial LaoTzu, and Prophet Mohammed; every celestial is the dearest of guide Xue Feng. So, in our homeland, no mental, psychological and physical hurt is permitted on the celestials, not one jot or title will be permitted. We will try to make all celestials enjoy a happy and free lifetime and a beautiful future. Any idea or practice to force one's will on the celestials is totally wrong. It is the guide's as well as everybody's duty to protect our loved ones from any mental, psychological and physical hurt. In the aspect of sex in the homeland, it is open and free, but there is no permission for any attempt to seduce, lure, threat, harass or control other people according to Chanyuan values. Making love is an advanced and beautiful dance of two souls with same values, rather than a way to release sex desire. No stable and special relationship is permitted among celestials except for some historical relationship, such as husband and wife, parent and children. The stable and special relationship will be harmful to the harmony of the homeland and it might be dragged into the swirl of secular world.

Every celestial should pay off the debts, free from worldly attachment, accumulate merits and create a beautiful future all by himself. What the homeland provides is a foundation and circumstance for each celestial rather than dealing with personal affairs in secular world. One must be responsible for his wrongdoings and take the consequences. Any intention of obtaining happiness from the homeland without personal endeavor and devotion is illusion, because it deviates from justice and fairness which is the way of the Greatest Creator. Therefore, no selfishness and laziness are permitted here; if you don't give in this home, there is no way you will have the right of enjoying the happy life in the homeland.

History has given us a golden chance for sublimating our quality of life, and this age also give us a chance of demonstrating our genuineness, goodness, beauty, love, faith and honesty. People will be facing with more and more crises and dangers and there will be a period of hard times in future. We should bring hope for people and create a beautiful future for human beings. in such a perilous and harsh moment. It is what the Greatest Creator has blessed us and what Tao has glorified us. We must hold firm faith and belief without a second changing, and devote all we have into the construction of the homeland, into this great career for human happiness. To be selfish you have to be unselfish first; to be somebody you have to be nobody first. The secret of becoming celestials lies in here.

This is way of construction of a peaceful and warm homeland; this is the way of creating Lifechanyuan for human beings; this is the way of self-fulfillment.

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