Why, after Repeated Sufferings, Chanyuan Celestials Do not Hate the Government


November 29, 2020

Chanyuan celestials were driven out of eleven homes by the government. We have devoted our efforts and sweat to building these picturesque homes. The life savings of many Chanyuan celestials have vanished like soap bubbles, however we have never hated the government or any of its police officers, let alone complain about heaven, the earth, or society. Why not? It is not that we are lofty, magnanimous, or Ah Q, and it is not to please and gain favor with the government, but we understand the truth.

Chanyuan Celestials live in the world according to the "800 Values for New Era Human Beings". Four of those 800 values state that:

  • "The world is faultless; all faults lie within ourselves"

  • "There is not a single soul in the universe that is treated unjustly"

  • "Good fortune lies within bad and bad fortune lurks within good"

  • "what is gained always equals that which has been paid"

After baptism and purification of the soul, Chanyuan celestials no longer carry resentment in their hearts. We just act according to our inner drives without weighing the pros and cons or worrying about our gains and losses, and without fear even when facing death. In addition, Chanyuan values clearly warn that the future of human society will be based upon a government plus Lifechanyuan. No government can replace Lifechanyuan and Lifechanyuan cannot replace any government. Therefore, Chanyuan Celestials will never confront the government, so of course no resentment against our government will be held because we only care about construction. If the government wants to demolish our homes, that is their business, not ours. We do what we must do and the government does what they must do. Each sings their own tune and does their own business. You demolish, we rebuild. You demolish again, then we build again! This game is also very interesting; one day if our Chanyuan celestials have nowhere else to go, then they will leave this world peacefully. If Tao arranged it like this, then we will have no complaints, no regrets, no hate, and no pity.

  • Sisyphus pushed a boulder to the top of a mountain every day, yet each time he turned around, it rolled down to the foot of the mountain again. He repeated this extremely monotonous task every day, thousands of times.

  • Wu Gang cut the Osmanthus, he chopped and chopped all day, after he had cut off a tract of land, the laurel tree was restored as before, so he was also doing monotonous work every day.

  • A person wanted to dig a cave for a dwelling, yet every time he finished digging it, someone always occupied it immediately, so he dug dozens of them until they had all been occupied by others. When he no longer had enough energy and strength to dig one, he became a fairy.

  • Master Bodhidharma was once asked to build a house by his master, but as he was about to finish it, there was always something happened and destroyed it. He built them many times, but each time, it was destroyed again. Finally he built one that stood, but he destroyed this one himself.

Chanyuan celestials build homes, then they lose them. This is a bit like Sisyphus pushing his stone up to the top of the mountain, Wu Gang cutting Osmanthus, the man digging a cave-house, and Master Bodhidharma building a house. Who knows how much it means?

I know a little bit; that is to hone our confidence, will, quality, pattern, and realm, and another point is that our Chanyuan celestials were not worthy of living in any of our picturesque paradises at those times. For example, our third and fourth branches were very beautiful, almost heavenly, although the quality of many Chanyuan celestials was not enough for them to live in them. Their soul-gardens were still infested with many weeds, especially the very serious exclusive relationships that had occurred. I had repeatedly taught, discouraged, and told everyone that exclusive love relationships are thorns in my flesh and that those kinds of mortal emotional relationships will ruin our Home, but many Chanyuan celestials did not listen to me and went their own way. Everyone must know that these relationships will even drop people living in heaven down to the mortal world. Once anyone’s quality does not meet heavenly standards, they will be demoted to the mortal world. Everyone has surely heard the Biblical story of Adam and Eve being expelled from the Garden of Eden. Absolutely beautiful things can only be enjoyed by absolutely beautiful LIVES. The beautiful homes of the third and fourth branches could only be enjoyed by perfect LIVES with perfect soul gardens. Their qualities were not worthy of living in them, so sooner or later they had to be driven out of our Gardens of Eden; therefore, it was reasonable for our Gardens to disappear.

We know that all things and all LIVES in the world live by Tao and that everything is controlled by Tao; similarly, the government's behavior is too. Was it not implementing Tao's plan and arrangement that the government should dismiss Chanyuan celestials from their homes? How could we resent the government for doing that? If we do not find reasons from within ourselves and always find reasons from the outside, then we will never climb to the peaks of life and of LIFE.

Chanyuan celestials should not have resentful hearts. We must never resent God, Buddha, celestials, saints, the changes of nature, society, parents, children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, the government, and the public security police much less. The world is faultless; all faults lie within ourselves. For more than ten years, I have watched the growth process of every Chanyuan celestial. Finally, I deeply understand that if anyone of you encounter setbacks and your journey is not smooth, the problem is not external at all, but within yourself.

Over the last ten years, I have crossed paths with many people on the web, but except for two, Dazizai Transformation of Lotus and Mr. Gu, I have found no one to be worth spending time, energy, and effort to cultivate and guide. Some netizens seemed very intelligent and insightful and their articles can also be very insightful, but they are arrogant and not worthy of my friendship, some simply cannot grasp the key points and have been pestering about trifles, and some are very superficial, but have an attitude that, "everyone else is drunk but I alone am sober". They are all ridiculous! I have also met several professors. At the beginning, I communicated with them with reverence and awe, but I eventually found that the professors' horizons were not only narrow, but also that they were conceited and ignorant. Some people have no basic scientific literacy, but they try to dress up as gods. These are all mental patients.

There is only one purpose for me to say these words; that is to tell you that our problems lie within ourselves. We have no reason to ever resent others, society, or changes of nature. One day, everyone will have to bear their own consequences which only they have caused. When those consequences are bitter fruits, we should wake up to the fact that our previous thoughts, remarks, and behaviors were all wrong.

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