Symbols of the Lifechanyuan Era


First, let us understand these eight characteristics of the era in which we are living: ​

  1. The current era of humanity is one of disorder

  2. It is an era of nationalities, political parties, religions, races, countries, and other interest groups fighting with each other, both overtly and covertly

  3. It is an era of people mostly pursuing material comfort but ultimately falling apart

  4. It is an era in which the winners make the rules while the losers suffer, with all power flowing from the barrels of guns

  5. It is an era of countries being controlled by separatist regimes through the force of arms

  6. It is an era that is locked in a seesaw struggle between truth, goodness, and beauty, against falsity, evil, and ugliness, with the latter gaining the upper hand

  7. It is an era in which people are confused with gloomy hearts and souls, decadent spirits, anxious minds, and unable to see the trend of future developments

  8. In one sentence, it is an era under Satan’s reign

The new Lifechanyuan era can be characterized by the following eight major qualities:

  1. The disappearance of countries

  2. The disappearance of religions

  3. The disappearance of political parties

  4. The disappearance of families

  5. The disappearance of war, crime, hunger, and disease

  6. A shift from the pursuit of material comfort to that of spiritual satisfaction

  7. The production and life of people everywhere will be steered by saints and managed by sages

  8. Knowledge of the Greatest Creator will take root in society and we will live in a harmonious and orderly manner with nature and other advanced LIVES in the ​universe ​

Beyond those, there are these eight additional features:

  1. Deserts will become oases

  2. The orders of “No one will pocket anything found on the ground and doors are not bolted at night” will become normal

  3. People will trust, respect, and love each other mutually as members of a single family

  4. The weather will usually be favorable, with distinct seasons and natural calamities such as earthquakes and storms being greatly reduced

  5. The evil practice of judging human dignity by money, power, and fame will be reversed

  6. The forms of love between men and women will diversify

  7. The lifespans of people will be extended to about half a millennium

  8. The manner and time of one’s death will be basically self-determined

This era will be created by the academicians of Lifechanyuan. In this New Era, the human population may decline sharply while countless extinct species reappear. The world, including the air, water, and land will purify and restore to its pre-human state. This era will belong to those who have devoted painstaking efforts throughout their lives to revering nature, LIFE, the Greatest Creator, and humanity.

  • The Lifechanyuan era will last for a millennium after which time people will enter into another era

  • People with spiritual senses will certainly perceive the magnitude of this era and will strive for it; people without them will find this statement ridiculous, ignorant, nonsensical, and even whimsical

  • The arrival of the Lifechanyuan era will not be altered by anyone’s will but is the inevitable evolution of LIFE; it is the law and order of Tao; we will enter into this era if we follow Tao; otherwise we will be abandoned by it

We say with certainty that future academicians of Lifechanyuan will be brilliant and capable.

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