418 (April 18) Opened A New Chapter in Human Civilization


April 19, 2023

Fourteen years ago today, a group of people gathered in Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, opening the curtain on a new era of human civilization. A series of unprecedented and legendary events gradually deepened as it unfolded. Although humans still do not understand the truth of the matter, the magical number 418 will be engraved on the monument of human civilization history, becoming the spiritual energy, and driving force to inspire people to continuously progress in civilization.

After fourteen years of summer and winter, and four seasons alternating, everything will dissipate into smoke and clouds, only the new mode of production and life generated by 418 will emerge with unparalleled strength like a vibrant sun shining on the earth, leading humans into an advanced form of civilization, turning the earth into a paradise and allowing every human born to enjoy the beauty of life.

This is the shining of divine light, the crystallization of teachings from past gods, Buddhas, saints, and sages, as well as the hard work and dedication of Chanyuan celestials of Lifechanyuan. The mature Chanyuan celestials will be harvested and sent to the granary of heaven to enjoy the endless grace and benefits of heaven.

After fourteen years of practice, the new mode of production and life will present the following picture:

  1. All children are the common wealth and treasure of humanity. The nurturing and education of children will no longer be the responsibility of parents. From weaning at three years old to university graduation, experienced and knowledgeable individuals with great love will take care of nurturing and educating children with the help of AI.

  2. The support of all elderly people will no longer be the responsibility of their children but will be borne by the whole society and included in the collective life of those with children, youth, and middle-aged individuals. There will be no more nursing homes, and no more independent elderly support models.

  3. As a historical form of life, marriage and family disappear, and the Second Home model replaces the traditional way of life.

  4. Religion fades from the historical stage, and natural Tao replaces all religious doctrines and rituals.

  5. The state, as a form of existence, has completed its historical mission. A global management model formed by strong Artificial Intelligence (AI) replaces the state, and humans enter an era of orderly and free migration on a global scale.

  6. Existing currencies of various countries will disappear, replaced by F-coin. F-coin is not a currency but a reflection of each person's personal value contribution to society.

  7. All resources belong to all humanity, and private ownership is completely eliminated.

  8. Service replaces management, and dedication will become the only standard for measuring personal character and value. From then on, theft, robbery, deception, corruption, competition, fighting, war, and other phenomena will disappear. Everyone will have something to do, food to eat, a place to live, and entertainment. Humans will enter an era of harmonious coexistence between individuals, society, and nature, with abundant material resources, rich products, and a colorful life.

Currently, people are worried that robots generated by artificial intelligence will eliminate humans. I can solemnly tell everyone that this will not happen. Not only will it not happen, but robots will become the best assistants to bring benefits to humans. All of this is part of the predetermined program for human civilization to leap forward. The Creator will not let humans disappear, but instead will let humans enjoy the pleasures and eternity of life. Please be aware that the Earth and humans are under the care and management of LIFE forms that are more advanced than humans.

418 has created a brand-new production and life mode that is different from traditional ones for humans. This mode represents the future living form of humans for the next thousand years. If you aspire to this way of life, seize the opportunity to learn about and enter this form. If you are not interested in this form, then continue with your current way of life, but you will only become more anxious, disappointed, and hopeless.

Embracing the new way of life is the best life choice in today's era.

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