The Splendid Path of Unemployed College Students


April 25, 2023

" Happiness: misery lurks beneath it, misery: happiness is to be found by its side; What I see is a bright future awaiting unemployed college students, a wonderful life that is incomparable.

This is what I think, and I hope respected and dear unemployed college students can consider whether it makes sense.

At this moment, you may be in a state of confusion, anxiety, uncertainty, restlessness, and disappointment. This is because you are carried along by the tides of the times. If you try to catch up with the tide or let others determine your fate, you will find yourselves in a sea of suffering. Not to mention reaching the other shore, you won't even be able to see where it is.

First of all, you should understand that it is not your fault, nor your parents' fault, nor the fault of your schoolteachers and professors that you are unable to find a job. It is the fault of the times. Just like the blooming flowers wither in the spring, it is not the fault of the flowers but the result of a cold spell.

You may be inspired by another form of "success studies," such as "how to make a comeback," "how to escape from the lower class," "how to cross social barriers," and so on. I want to say that such motivation will only make your situation more difficult and miserable. Don't aspire to be superior to others, don't aim to live a life that others envy, don't expect to achieve financial freedom quickly, and don't anticipate starting your own business. These thoughts and actions are poison to life and will make everyone's existence even more unbearable.

In front of you lies a life adorned with beautiful flowers. "Endless is the sea of bitterness, repent and you will find the shore." How do you repent? How do you reach the paradise-like shore of life?

  1. Once your roots establish yourself, the way will grow therefrom, and the Way will guide you.

Only seek to serve more people, without desiring to earn more money.

Reduce your material desires to the minimum. Live in a thatched hut, wear patched clothes, eat simple food, drink plain water. Refuse all luxury goods. If necessary, you can beg. Regard yourself as the most ordinary blade of grass in nature.

Don't pursue romantic relationships, don't get married, don't start a family. Concentrate your efforts on establishing a foundation.

  1. Inheriting the wisdom of the past, creating everlasting peace.

Listen to the teachings of Jesus Christ, respect the Dharma of Shakyamuni Buddha, embrace the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad, and adopt the thoughts of the Taoist saint Laozi.

Regardless of how dark the world becomes, how fickle people's hearts are, how bleak the future appears, and how others may comment, dedicate yourself to unifying the world and ensuring the well-being of all people, allowing everyone to enjoy the blessings of life.

Strive to make everyone possess everything while having nothing, and work hard to provide everyone with a means of livelihood.

  1. Regard labor as the foremost necessity of life.

Adhere to this principle: the image of laborers is the most beautiful; labor is the source of joy and happiness; laborers possess the finest qualities.

Engage in diligent work every day, create, and never allow yourself to be idle. Abandon laziness, abandon getting something for nothing, abandon seeking comfort and despising hard work, and abandon seeking quick gains.

Sing the praises of all laborers in the world.

  1. Embrace unconventional thinking and indulge in wild imagination.

"Reversion is the action of the Tao." When the majority moves west, quickly move east. When the majority flock to the cities, quickly go to the countryside. When the majority prioritizes pragmatism, quickly prioritizes ideology. Whatever the majority criticize, quickly sing its praises, and vice versa.

Distance yourself from money, power, fame, and profit, including distancing yourself from the wealthy, influential, famous, and powerful. Get closer to the most ordinary and common laboring masses.

Reverse all the perspectives on life, values, worldview, outlook on LIFE, and moral outlook that human society has established, and establish anew the five outlooks necessary for the highest level of civilized society. Then, you will discover the scenery of "Just as the weary traveler despairs of finding a road, Lo! A village appears and the shade of willows and riotous flowers beckon."

The path has been paved for you, and the future is definitely more beautiful than you imagine. If you find my words reasonable, follow the path I have laid out. If you think I am talking nonsense and misleading you, then continue the path you believe to be correct.

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