How to Balance the Ledger of Life


July 17, 2024

Parents love their children dearly, but if the children do not show filial piety, is the parents' effort wasted?

A husband does his utmost to ensure his wife's well-being in terms of food, clothing, housing, transportation, health, and all aspects of life and death, yet she constantly complains and even files for divorce. Is the husband's effort wasted?

A master diligently teaches his disciples, only to be stepped on by them when they gain power. Is the master's effort wasted?

A general fights countless battles, only to be falsely accused of treason and executed. Is the general's effort wasted?

Working hard for an employer but earning very little each month, is this effort wasted?

Helping a friend many times without any reciprocation and only to be bad-mouthed by them behind your back, is your help wasted? Is your assistance in vain?

When you come across an unconscious elderly stranger on the road, rush him to the hospital, and pay his medical bills, only to be accused by him and his family, is your effort wasted?

Observing the myriad aspects of the world, seeing how many people are wronged, and how much effort and hard work ultimately go to waste, makes one ponder if all the effort and dedication in life are truly worth it.

How should we balance the ledger of life?

Having lived through over sixty springs, summers, autumns, and winters, having seen many people and experienced many things, I have some insights to share with you.

If you possess virtue, do not regret or abandon it, regardless of whether your efforts and contributions receive any return, or you face injustice.

Everything we do will ultimately return to us, but do not expect those we have helped to repay us. All rewards will return to us through the appropriate arrangements of the Tao. If we live a life free of illness and disaster, it is because our efforts and contributions have been arranged by the Tao, which is something to be grateful for.

Even a mudslide will pause for 16 seconds for a virtuous person, let alone other things. All things in heaven and earth have consciousness and spirituality. If you treat everything kindly, everything will treat you kindly in return.

Never regret your efforts for others, society, and nature. Nothing is given in vain, and nothing is gained in vain. When we feel wronged and unfairly treated, do not lose heart, do not become despondent, do not complain about the heavens and the earth, and do not regret our initial actions. Just continue to display your virtue and strive towards your heartfelt desires. The Tao will not mistreat anyone. Even if you find yourself in dire straits, do not regret your efforts and contributions. The fragrance of the flowers of virtue will waft directly to the heavenly realm. Please believe my words.

Do not try to balance the ledger of life. If you can self-improvement and self-cultivate to the state of selflessness, unselfishness, and detachment in this life, you will have made a great profit. Your future will not only be incomparably bright, but happiness will also be unending.

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