Let's Calculate The Value Of One Crown of Chanyuan Celestial Name


Sept. 28, 2011

This is a matter of values. Some people consider money worthless, while others see it as essential for LIFE. Some view friendship as spiritual wealth, while others see it as a tool for personal gain. Some see labor as a source of happiness, while others see it merely as a means of survival. There are also those who underestimate or belittle the value of labor.

The number words for celestial titles are not expressed using “one” or “a few,” but rather "one crown of celestial" or "a few crowns of celestials." Therefore, the meaning of "one crown of celestial" in the title is "one Chanyuan celestial name."

Now, let's calculate the value of the name of a Lifechanyuan member.

First, what is the purpose of a person's lifelong efforts? According to the famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, human beings strive to fulfill various needs throughout their lives. These needs include physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization.

Physiological needs are the most basic human needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and sexual life. Safety needs include job and personal safety, life stability, protection from diseases and disasters, and having a secure future. Social needs mainly refer to the desire for care and support from family, groups, friends, and colleagues. Esteem needs involve the desire for self-respect, a sense of accomplishment, and acknowledgment from others. This includes aspiring for wealth, status, power, and a favorable reputation, aiming to earn respect and recognition while avoiding being disregarded or underestimated by society. Self-actualization needs are the highest level of human needs. They involve the desire to complete work that corresponds to one's capabilities, to fully unleash one's potential in the workplace, to become the expected person, to ultimately strive for perfection, to experience the highest state of beauty in life, and to elevate oneself into a celestial being.

Now, let's consider how many people have truly fulfilled their physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs. Most people struggle to fulfill even their basic physiological needs, let alone their higher-level needs. Only individuals like presidents, billionaires, and Nobel Prize winners can be said to have achieved these five needs from a worldly perspective.

How much effort does it take to become a president, a billionaire, or a Nobel Prize winner? Or in other words, what is the value of being a president, a billionaire, or a Nobel Prize laureate? Alternatively, how much money does it take to purchase the titles of president, billionaire, or Nobel Prize laureate?

Would it be unreasonable to assume that it takes one hundred million dollars to acquire the titles of president, billionaire, or Nobel Prize laureate?

Now, let's look at Lifechanyuan members living in the Lifechanyuan Second Home. Each member has their physiological needs fully satisfied. They have no issues with food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and sexual life. They have job security, occupational safety, life stability, and low exposure to diseases and disasters. They have a secure and stable future. As for social and esteem needs, Lifechanyuan members live in a community of hardworking, honest, sincere, and trustworthy people. They spend their days in a harmonious and loving atmosphere, sharing meals, living spaces, and working together. They respect and care for each other, never hurting or quarreling with one another. No one will keep lost articles found on the roadside, doors will not need to be locked at night, and everyone can enjoy life without concerns about personal conflicts. Therefore, Lifechanyuan members have their social and esteem needs fulfilled.

Have the Chanyuan celestials in the community satisfied their highest self-actualization needs? Absolutely. Within the community, Chanyuan celestials fully unfold their true selves, living freely and independently. There is no one to manage or supervise them. They experience the utmost beauty and essence of life day and night. Moreover, they have the prospect of reaching the Thousand-Year World, the Ten Thousand-Year World, and the Elysium Celestial Island Continents, where they continually encounter the "peak experiences" of life. They live in a beautiful and serene natural environment, surrounded by a humanistic environment that values truth, goodness, beauty, love, trust, and sincerity. Life here is beautiful, leisurely, and joyful, and individuals are realizing their true selves. It reminds me of the profound words of the famous philosopher Nietzsche: "Become who you are!" The Chanyuan celestials living in the Second Home have not only discovered themselves but have also become individuals with complete, independent consciousness and integrated personality.

It can be said that Lifechanyuan members in the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, which is a truly communist society, the Lifechanyuan Second Home, have achieved more satisfaction in the five major human needs than presidents, billionaires, and Nobel Prize winners. So, let's calculate: how much is the name of one crown of Lifechanyuan celestial worth?

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