How to Break Free from Suffering


Jan. 15, 2022

Feeling uncomfortable, depressed, troubled, anxious, worried, fearful, disappointed, and hopeless are forms of suffering.

Suffering originates from three aspects: physical, mental, and spiritual. Physical pain can be endured and healed, and spiritual pain can be eliminated by establishing faith in the Greatest Creator. However, suffering arising from the mind is difficult to overcome and dissolve.

Mental suffering stems from a lack of freedom, whether it be physical, mental, financial, or in one's actions. Any form of restriction on freedom can lead to mental anguish. Therefore, the core root of mental suffering lies in the inability to experience freedom.

To break free from mental suffering, the first step is to identify the root causes that lead to such suffering and eliminate them, thereby allowing mental suffering to disappear.

How can we find these causes?

Start from the closest and move towards the farthest. Because the closer something is, the more likely it is to cause suffering, while the farther away it is, the easier it is to bear the resulting pain.

Starting from the closest, the people who have a close relationship with oneself are likely to be the source of mental suffering: spouse, parents, children, siblings, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, friends, superiors, subordinates, teachers, masters, partners, fellow practitioners, etc.

Moving towards the farthest, factors that cause mental suffering mainly come from thieves, bullies, hooligans, gangs, families, tribes, extremist groups and organizations, nations, states, governments, political parties, and religions, etc.

For example, restrictions on physical freedom mainly come from marital relationships, restrictions on mental freedom mainly come from political parties and religions, restrictions on financial freedom mainly come from relatives and market monopolies, and restrictions on freedom of movement mainly come from the machinery of the state.

When faced with suffering, moral education and preaching from sages and religious doctrines hardly have any effect. Spiritual practices and inspirational quotes may temporarily numb the pain, so called spiritual cultivation and chicken soup for the soul are merely scratching the surface, and the fundamental solution lies in rebuilding the order of human production and life.

The measures and pathways to completely eliminate individual and human suffering are as follows:

Eliminate marriage and dissolve families.

Political parties should not be involved in government management.

Religion should not participate in government affairs.

Open borders among countries and allow people to freely move and migrate.

Promote the production and life mode of the Second Home of Lifechanyuan.

All global citizens move towards the era of Lifechanyuan.

I have prepared the path for the happiness of all humanity, from theory to practice. The future form of human society will neither be a legalistic form like the United States nor a rule by man like China. Instead, it will be a holographic way guided by saints and managed by sages. At that time, the state of society will be:“the talented will be put to good use and the whole world will be one family”, “no one will pocket anything found on the ground and doors are not bolted at night”, "the young being well educated and the old being looked after properly," "People fully display their talents, and resources are fully utilized," "Everyone fulfills their responsibilities, living in peace and prosperity." The world will be harmonious, with favorable weather conditions, thriving industries, wealthy and abundant, and suffering will disappear forever from now on.

Last updated