The 18 Truths One Needs to Understand in Life


March 16, 2024

1. Life is but a journey of LIFE in the human world; life is finite, yet the journey of LIFE is infinite.

2. The pursuit of happiness, joy, freedom, and bliss is the main course of life, everything else is but a detour.

3. If you hold power and influence, the country serves as your haven; if you are powerless, the country becomes your prison.

4. The person who guides you towards heaven is your kin, the one who obstructs your path to heaven is your foe.

5. When a person uses money as the standard of value, they have lost their humanity.

6. When a person dares not say “no” to power, lifelong servitude becomes their inevitable fate.

7. If you have not fully grasped the teachings of Jesus, Sakyamuni, and Laozi, refrain from teaching and guiding others; once you do, you have set foot on the path of the devil.

8. Once married, you willingly relinquish half of your sovereignty in life; henceforth, life inevitably becomes beyond your control.

9. Interpersonal relationships are unreliable; rather than spending time and energy on them, it is better to learn and enhance your own survival skills.

10. To earn the respect of others, you must possess value.

11. As long as you desire to gain advantages without effort, you will inevitably fall into a trap, if not a human trap, then a devil’s trap.

12. Honesty is always the best policy in life.

13. If you are a commoner, simply carry out your tasks quietly, avoid wasting time and energy arguing, debating, and quarreling with others.

14. If you wish to receive help from the heavens, earth, gods, and people, you must clearly articulate your desires and requests.

15. Once you crave comfort and pleasure, you embark on the road to corruption and degeneration, and pain and disaster will inevitably follow.

16. What you receive and what you give are always equal; this is the way of heaven, and also the principle of nature. Therefore, do not rejoice in secret because of what you receive, and do not harbor resentment or regret for what you give.

17. Revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, revere nature, and follow the path of nature.

18. Those who are selfless and devoid of ego are the finest among people, they are the saints; following these selfless individuals will lead you to heaven.

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