The Value of Life


The brief span of our lives determines the meaning of our future existence. Everything we say, do, think, and intend shapes our destiny. Every moment, every day, meticulously records our good deeds and missteps. The path we choose, whether it leads us to higher realms like the Thousand-Year World, the Ten-Thousand-Year World, or the Elysium World, depends entirely on how we live our lives. Similarly, whether we can avoid descending into lower realms like the realm of livestock, the nether world, or the flaming purgatory also depends on our actions during our short time on Earth.

Our short life holds immeasurable value. Even if we were given all the treasures of the Earth, if, after our physical body passes, our life doesn't ascend to higher spiritual realms but instead descends to the realm of livestock, what's the point of all that earthly wealth? Conversely, if we possess nothing on Earth, yet, after our physical body passes away, our LIFE enjoys a thousand years of happiness in higher realms, or even attains eternal life in the Elysium World, what greater purpose could there be?

Life is of immense significance, and we mustn't waste it aimlessly. By fully embracing the value of our lives, we can transform decay into wonder and overcome death to attain eternal life.

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