The Purpose of Life


The purpose of humanity is to serve the Greatest Creator, just as the purpose of flowers and plants is to serve humanity.

The purpose of human life is to transform karma. We come to the human world for a reason; in the universe, there are no phenomena or results without reasons. We come to the human world instead of other spaces because various causes and conditions inevitably lead us to become human. We come to enjoy the pleasures of the human world and to bear the pains of being human.

Why do we have to endure the suffering of being human? It's because we created karma in our past lives. There are no phenomena or results in the universe without causes and conditions. The suffering and hardships we endure are to repay the debts from our past lives. The more suffering we endure, the more debts we repay. Those who oppose us, insult us, bully us, exploit us, oppress us, humiliate us, deceive us, or create unjust cases against us are helping us to transform karma. They are our benefactors.

On one hand, we need to transform karma and eliminate the sins we created in past lives. On the other hand, we need to refrain from creating more karma. If we continue to create karma, we will be reborn as humans in the next life. The more karma we create, the more suffering we will experience, and we may even descend to the animal or plant realms. If we stop creating karma and attain perfect humanity, we can enter the Thousand-Year World in the next life. If we not only stop creating karma but also accumulate merits by serving society and others, we can enter the Ten-Thousand-Year World. If we neither create karma nor cease in our virtuous deeds, and we also proclaim the glory of the Greatest Creator, we can enter the eternal realm—the Elysium World.

This is the purpose of human life.

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