The Efficiency, Depth and Breadth of Life


July 16, 2020

Most people should be geniuses in a certain field, but most people are mediocre and find their goals to be unachievable throughout their lives. The reason is that they are forced by life and cannot engage in the work they like, and their entire lives are consumed in their trivial daily affairs.

We analyzed housewives statistically. Few housewives have achieved success in their careers, because they are submerged in daily trivial housework. We asked an elderly woman, “What have you done in your life?” She could hardly list any examples that she can be proud of. In fact, she has a lot of work to do every day, cooking, washing, taking children out, purchasing, cleaning, and visiting relatives and friends. Countless daily tasks almost dragged her down and, in the end, she found that she had accomplished nothing in her life.

Of course, I do not advocate that all people become the best, glorify and illuminate their ancestors and be successful, much less advocate that all people be extraordinary and live their whole life gloriously. I just want people to live a life that is a little more comfortable, cool, relaxed, and free. Then, how to achieve this wish? Do only one thing in your life.

This is a truth that I have recently realized. In the past ten years or so, I have spent my life being a guide for Lifechanyuan and have not done anything else. Thus, I have finished writing articles comprised of millions of words and created more than a dozen picturesque human homes based on the new life model. But in the last two or three months, I have done so many tasks which are too miscellaneous, that I have hardly anything to show for it. Every day, I get up at 5 o’clock, browse the internet for half an hour, and quickly wash and prepare breakfast for the guests. Even if there are only two guests, it takes me at least two and a half hours from preparation to completion. During these two and a half hours, I must do at least 20 things or more. After the guests have left, I clean up the room. From cleaning the toilet and bathroom sink, wiping tables and chairs, changing the sheets, pillowcases and three sets of large, medium and small towels, until cleaning the carpet, there are more than 10 things to do. In addition, it takes an average of more than two hours a day to clean up the yard. It is not easy to mow the lawn of 10 acres of land neatly and beautifully. I also need to answer the phone at any time to answer questions from the guests, and to take garbage to the dump more than 10 kilometers away from time to time, to go to over 30 kilometers away to make purchases, to keep the restaurant clean and tidy at all times, to keep records of the income and expenditures at any time for the preparation of the quarterly accounting and tax payment, to pay the fees every month: internet fees, TV fees, mobile phone number fees, medical care insurance premiums, gas bills, electricity bills etc.. In addition to these daily tasks, I must deal with unexpected occurrences anytime and anywhere. I am thinking that if I spend my whole life like this, even if I am a genius in a certain field, my talent will be buried in endless tedious affairs.

Doing a lot of various kinds of work can broaden the breadth of life, but you will never reach the depth (height) of life, and there will be no efficiency. Always doing one thing will be the most efficient. The more complicated and varied the things you do, the lower the efficiency.

Last year, I planned that any way possible, this year I will go away once, at least to visit Prince George city, which is more than 300 kilometers away. As a result of my daily tasks, I haven’t been able to achieve this goal till now. I am tightly bound to the same place and cannot leave for a while.

A donkey has a blindfold over its eyes to let it grind grain. It goes around and around the millstone and will go around in circles in the same place for a lifetime. In fact, most people live in the same way as donkeys do. The donkey has to revolve around the millstone. Whether the donkey pulls the grindstone, makes the circle or not, it is not up to it. What about people? Compelled by environment and the pressures of life, people have to repeat the same work every day. All this is involuntarily, and they have no choice. Who can say that “I do what I like the most every day”?

To make life a little more comfortable, chic, relaxed and free, we must only do one thing in our lives, so that we can reach the depth of life. A drilling rig can only drill tens of meters at a time if it infrequently changes the drilling location. To drill to one thousand meters or ten thousand meters, you must drill in the same hole. Only by concentrating on one goal, can it be thus: rubbing ropes against wooden boards will cut into them and dripping water onto stones will wear them down.

If we work 8 hours a day to make $100, can we make $100 in just 2 hours? I think it is possible. The way to do this is to do only one thing. The more complicated the things we do, the less money we can make. Only by doing one thing can we be relaxed and comfortable. In this way, can we have a good mood and free time to dabble in a broader field in order to expand the breadth of life.

The problem is, who can do only one thing in a lifetime? If we still pursue the efficiency, depth, and breadth of life in accordance with the traditional production and life mode, for most people, it is just a beautiful and unrealistic fantasy. There is only one way to reach the goals, that is to live in the life mode of New Oasis for Life created by Lifechanyuan. That is the best place to realize your ideal of life.

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