The Mystery Behind Unemployment


July 24, 2024

I will never be unemployed, even if I live to be 180 years old. What is the mystery behind this?

I have realized three secrets:

  1. Creation

  2. Contribution

  3. Honesty

As long as you achieve any one of these three, you will not be unemployed. If you possess all three, you will never be unemployed.

How did the universe come into being? It was created. Why were humans not created directly by the Greatest Creator? Because the Greatest Creator wanted gods and angels to also learn how to create. Why can’t humans live like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, without worrying about food, clothing, shelter, aging, sickness, and death? Because humans must create. As long as you are a LIFE, you need to create. Why create? Because the vitality and joy of LIFE come from creation.

For a creator, there is always an endless amount of work to be done. They can create something out of nothing, add beauty to the world, capture the moon from the sky, or catch turtles in the ocean depths. How could they ever be unemployed?

Let me share my own experiences. After graduating from Zhangjiakou Geological Technical School, I worked in the workshop of the Gansu Exploration Team No. 2, repairing drilling rigs and cars. Dissatisfied, I attended Lanzhou Education College and Jiuquan Education College. After graduating, I became a teacher at the No. 2 Middle School of the Geological Bureau, but I still wasn’t satisfied. I secretly booked a storefront in Zhangye City, planning to repair cars and sell auto parts. Later, I felt this couldn’t satisfy me either, so I canceled the storefront. Eventually, I enrolled in an advanced training program in international trade at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. Later, I went abroad to Zimbabwe as a translator. After two years, I started my own trade business, opening two stores over 100 square meters in Harare, the capital. I also opened two stores in a black neighborhood, then a bar, a nightclub, a restaurant, and a fast-food outlet. At that time, I was ambitious, aiming to establish a multinational trade company. But eventually, I found that I couldn’t find honest managers.

Although the streets are bustling with crowds, the world does not lack natural resources the most; it lacks people who are good at creating, willing to contribute, and honest and reliable.

Ask successful and failed entrepreneurs alike, and you’ll find a common conclusion: the biggest shortage for bosses isn’t resources, markets, or opportunities, but capable and reliable people.

For a while, I saw money everywhere, but lacked the time and energy to pick it up. The money was like ocean water, endless. However, a strange car accident shifted my focus from making money to building my soul. I realized that without keeping up with inner growth, one would eventually lose their job and stumble.

Do you see? I have always been creating, leaving no opportunity for unemployment.

Now, let’s talk about contribution and dedication.

The smartest and wisest people in the world are those who do not care about personal gain or loss but focus on contributing to others, society, and nature. Can such people be unemployed? Bosses would compete to hire them. Even a beggar would want to beg alongside such a person. How could such a person be unemployed?

Since 2009, I have dedicated everything to building the Second Home of Lifechanyuan. Sixteen years later, I am not poorer; instead, I have enjoyed the utmost honor and a rich life. What I want to say is, do your best, work more, contribute more, and do not worry about personal gain and loss. This way, your path will become broader. Understand that wherever you go and whoever you meet, as long as you can contribute something to others, do not hesitate or be stingy; just serve others. This ensures you won’t be unemployed.

The last point is honesty. Honesty includes keeping promises. Remember, once you speak, you must act. Once you make an agreement, you must keep it, even if it means losing everything. Never be sly, never scheme, and never seek to take advantage. Being honest surpasses all cunning and strategic calculations, as well as all qualifications and experience. The most foolish people are those who haggle over everything and are overly self-centered.

I have been a small boss, so I clearly understand each employee’s mind. When it comes to layoffs, I know who should be let go, who should stay, and who should share the wealth with me. Therefore, we should understand that everyone we interact with knows our true nature; we cannot fool anyone. Treat everyone with honesty, especially those with higher IQ, EQ, and SQ. Honesty is the best policy.

This is the mystery behind unemployment. I wish you a lifetime of work, never unemployed even if you live to 800 years old.

Last updated