Envisioning the Reconstruction of Human Values and Production Life Order


Jan. 16, 2015

The history of human society has been a tale of suffering and tears. Ninety-five percent of the people who have lived on this planet, both in the past and today, have experienced distress, pain, sorrow, anxiety, and fear. This is clear evidence that the previous human value systems and the order of production and life have had issues. It is now time for all of humanity to ponder whether we can rebuild human values and the order of life. Below are my thoughts, intended to stimulate thinking and serve as a reference.

1) The United Nations Secretary-General should act as the global president, and the United Nations Charter should replace the individual constitutions of nations. National borders should disappear, allowing people to move freely worldwide, promoting the fusion of cultures and nations.

2) The global president must be unmarried, without a family or children.

3) Political parties are the result of a struggle for interests. Political parties should gradually exit the stage of history.

4) Religion has caused confusion in people's thinking and restrained mental liberation. Religion should gradually vanish.

5) Globally, a universal belief system based on reverence for the Greatest Creator should be established, replacing the theory of evolution with the concept of creation. Serving others, society, and nature should be the core values for human existence.

6) Building the soul garden should take precedence over economic development.

7) All schools, from primary to university level, should include two additional courses: "Education on Being Human" and "Education on Human-Nature Relations."

8) Set aside all disputes, relinquish all grudges, grant amnesty to seventy-five percent of criminals, and significantly reduce military expenditures.

9) Measure the effectiveness of rulers based on the happiness of the people.

10) The traditional model of marriage and family life is a breeding ground for selfishness and troubles. A new model of life should replace the traditional one.

11) All global affairs, including those of small social groups, must be entirely transparent, suppressing any secretive activities.

12) Regional administrative officials should be appointed by the United Nations, not elected locally. For instance, Putin could be appointed as the administrative official for North America, Obama for the Middle East, and Xi Jinping for the European Union.

Thinking beyond the ordinary, only with unconventional thinking can the divine open possibilities. Only extraordinary thinking can illuminate a path for humanity and bring about world peace and happiness for all.

Is it challenging? Not really. Human wisdom is more than enough to overcome any challenges and realize the beautiful ideals that humanity has longed for.

To implement this grand vision, I already have a concrete plan. This plan will not lead to chaos in the world; on the contrary, it will lead to a well-organized transition.

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