Being a Human: Knowledge (2)


Oct. 4, 2022

Observe the social upheavals, rampant epidemics, frequent disasters, widespread hunger, and various movements throughout history. People were deeply involved, yet there were always those who remained unscathed because they upheld the integrity of being human.

If you don't believe in karma and consequences, then go ahead and commit evil acts and join forces with the wicked!

If you believe that heaven does not spare anyone, then learn the knowledge of being human and become a true human being.

  1. Do not define or pass judgment on others. Only the divine can discern right from wrong, and the Tao judges our merits and demerits. In the grand script of universal LIFE, human cognitive abilities are insignificant. If we define and pass judgment on others, we may make grave mistakes and create great misfortune.

  2. Do not believe hearsay. Unless verified personally or scientifically, regardless of the source of information, even if it comes from authorities or experts, simply listen to it without fully believing it. Especially in times of confusion and moral ambiguity, what is attacked and insulted may be the most noble, and what is praised and admired may be the most vile and despicable.

  3. Respect LIFE and do not harm any living beings. Especially, do not harm snakes, turtles, or cranes, and above all, do not harm human lives.

  4. Avoid borrowing money unless absolutely necessary, especially avoid going into debt for consumption.

  5. Minimize accumulating debts of gratitude. Debts of gratitude are like divine shackles. Once incurred and left unpaid, they will bind you for life.

  6. Endure humiliation, if necessary, but do not kneel easily. Once you kneel, it will be difficult to stand again.

  7. Never speak or act in a mystical or mysterious manner. Respect facts, respect science, respect logic, and respect spiritual perception.

  8. Absolutely refrain from doing things secretly or in a sneaky manner.

  9. Conduct affairs according to established procedures, without relying on bribery or connections. Do not exploit legal loopholes, do not exploit the weaknesses of others, and do not violate the arrangements of heaven.

  10. Focus on accomplishing tasks rather than engaging in idle chatter. Discuss matters more and talk less about people.

  11. Do not attack the homeland, the people, or the ancestors.

  12. Stay away from popular figures to avoid being influenced by fleeting trends.

  13. Do not tie yourself to the bandwagon of pity just because someone else is pitiable.

  14. Do not fabricate false "facts." Regardless of where or when, and regardless of the person involved, honesty is always the best policy.

  15. Regarding private matters between consenting men and women, do not stand on a moral high ground to make judgments or follow the opinions of others. Cultivate good speech and refrain from generating evil speech.

  16. Let everything progress naturally and reach its proper conclusion. Avoid forcing things. Forcing goes against the natural way and will inevitably sow the seeds of calamity.

  17. Admit when you don't understand something instead of pretending to know. Once you pretend to know, you will be laughed at and troubled.

  18. Complete what you start and bring closure to relationships with others. Without completion, you will end up adrift like a floating duckweed.

The world changes, calamities persist, dynasties rise and fall, and unexpected events occur. The journey of life is filled with crises and risks. It is impossible to escape the heavenly net by relying solely on human wit and intelligence. Only by upholding the integrity of being human do we have hope of navigating our LIFE's sailboat through stormy waves and reaching the shores of our ideals.

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