The Future of Humanity Should Be Like This

Deiform Buddha

Jan. 21, 2024

Archaeologists, through scientific exploration and research, believe that humanity has faced extinction four times. The primary reasons for extinction were the overall spiritual degradation and dimming of human heart. The core factors of spiritual degradation were the pursuit of sensory pleasures, the relentless quest for power, and the competition for survival resources. The main signs of dimming heart were the disregard for the Creator, the lack of appreciation for natural resources, and LIFE.

The current human society teeters on the cliff of spiritual degradation and dimming hearts again. Its main characteristics include an obsessive pursuit of wealth, boundless greed, extravagant squandering, insatiable desires, and a frenzy for competing for survival resources, comparable to the levels preceding the four previous human extinctions. Humanity faces an imminent crisis.

I am pointing out the path for humanity to ponder its future.

Choosing the path of socialist collectivization means that the toiling masses can only live in poverty, but the overall human lifespan will extend.

Opting for the capitalist path of market-oriented capitalism means that the toiling masses can lead affluent lives, but the overall human lifespan will shorten.

Neither socialism nor capitalism is an ideal path. The socialist collectivization path inevitably leads to poverty, while the capitalist market-oriented path, although bringing affluence and maximal development of productivity, will deplete natural resources, leading to a backlash from nature.

Other paths, such as military control, are purely barbaric and will result in poverty and societal chaos.

The most ideal path for the future of humanity is Xuefeng-style Communism. Please note, it is not the communism advocated and practiced by Marx, Lenin, Mao Zedong, but Xuefeng-style Communism. Xuefeng-style Communism has been practiced on Earth for 15 years, which can permanently solve nearly ninety percent of the challenges humanity faces, such as territorial disputes between nations and elder support issues, among others.

The more extensive and detailed the content and clauses in constitutions, laws, and regulations, the more problems will arise. More management personnel lead to higher societal operational costs. Therefore, all constitutions, laws, and regulations should be abolished and replaced with values for the orderly functioning of society. To this end, I have prepared “800 Values for New Era Humanity.”

To live a happy life and ensure the continued existence of humanity on Earth, all humans must undergo a spiritual purification. I have also prepared the course for spiritual purification for humanity.

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