I Want to Have a Chat with You


June 3, 2017

Knowing and understanding ourselves is one of the guarantees for a happy life. If we do not know ourselves or understand ourselves, we will inevitably have a series of troubles and pains in our lives. And we will attribute these troubles and pains to the outside world and others, instead of ourselves.

A king or a beggar, who is freer and happier? The answer is: whoever knows and understands himself is happier.

When a person vents grievances, it is from a lack of knowledge and understanding of himself. When a person blames others, it is from a lack of knowledge and understanding of himself. When a person feels his talents are unrecognized, it is from a lack of knowledge and understanding of himself.

The world is still the same: the world is faultless; all faults lie within ourselves. If a person is revered and respected by others, that’s because he is valuable to people. When he loses his value, no one will revere and respect him. This is not only a cruel reality, but also the law of justice in the world. Therefore, if we want to always get people’s reverence and respect, we must maintain our own value. When we have no value to people, we must be ready to bear the indifference and cruelty of the world to us and bear the boundless isolation and loneliness in our hearts!

People all live in circles. Some circles are small, and some are large. This is like a WeChat group. A dozen or hundreds of thousands of people is a circle, and two people is also a circle. If you want to be respected in a circle, you must have equivalent value to the circle, otherwise, either you will abandon this circle or you will be abandoned by this circle. For example, there are three people in a circle. Zhang San has a carrot, Li Si has a banana, and Wang Wu has a cucumber. Then, the people in this circle are basically equal. This circle is relatively harmonious and warm, and their friendship will also be lasting. If Zhang San has carrots, Li Si has bananas, and Wang Wu has nothing, then Zhang San and Li Si will not respect Wang Wu and will abandon Wang Wu. Even circles of the same nature, such as business circles, have obvious levels. Millionaires are in the million-dollar circle. You cannot enter the multimillionaire circle. Multimillionaires are all in the multimillionaire circle, you cannot get into the circle of billionaires. This is called “Birds of a feather flock together”.

To people, living is a cruel battle. No one lives easily. Whoever wants to achieve a happy and ideal life without a cruel struggle must be dreaming. If you have never worked hard but lived well, it proves that someone is supporting you. Once you lose the person supporting you, you will enter a state of misery. In order to avoid entering a state of misery, you must always struggle, never be careless and live in a muddle-headed way, do not think about enjoyment, but about giving and dedication. Only in this way can you hope to get the happy life you yearn for.

Do what you can do, do not expect to do what you cannot do. If you cannot do well at what you can do, there is no doubt that you won’t do well at the things you expect to do. Ask yourself often: “What have I done well?”, “what have I done that I can be proud of?” Do not dislike the trivial and simple things. A person’s talents and great qualities are reflected in the simplest and smallest things. If you do small things well, you can do medium things; if you do medium things well, you can do big things; and if you do not even do small things well, can you do medium and big things? Even ghosts won’t believe this.

Be proactive, not passive. As a child, do not always hope that your parents will arrange everything for you; as a student, do not always hope that the teacher will arrange everything for you; as a disciple, do not always hope that your master will arrange everything for you; as a subordinate, do not always hope that your superiors will arrange everything for you; as a citizen, do not always hope that the president and the central government will arrange everything for you.

If we do not give full play of our intelligence and wisdom now, we will never receive support and promotion from nobles, we will lose the steps to promotion forever, and we will never release our inner energy to liberate ourselves or change our bad fate.

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