The Future of Mankind


March 15, 2024

The future of mankind lies in Xuefeng-style communism, a future that may be realized within the next 20 years. The evidence is as follows:

The first is natural laws. Natural laws operate independently of human will. Regardless of how great an individual is, or how powerful a country or group may be, they cannot resist natural laws. It’s akin to the inevitability of death, which is beyond resistance. All measures and methods that attempt to resist natural laws will inevitably end in failure.

New things will invariably replace old ones. Who can still see ox carts and horse carts on bustling streets? None, because automobiles have replaced them.

Marriage and family are set to disappear. They are the crystallization of the production relations of the traditional era. As humans enter the network era, people’s social relations become extremely complex and vast. The traditional family, once a haven, in turn, becomes the biggest burden and obstacle to personal development and change. Therefore, with people’s awakening and the demand for improving the quality and taste of life, people will gradually distance themselves from marriage and family. An astonishing factor is that Jesus Christ, Buddha Shakyamuni, and the celestial Laozi have never advocated for marriage and family.

Organizational control will come to an end. Before the advent of the Internet, the government and major media controlled public opinion. In the Internet era, everyone has the potential to influence public opinion in a self-media way. A self-media influencer with millions of fans may even surpass the public opinion influence and even the appeal of a government. We will find that people no longer pay attention to what the government says but will pay more and more attention to what those self-media influencers say. If this state continues to develop, a country’s organizational ability and appeal will gradually disintegrate, and the disintegration and disappearance of the country will be inevitable.

Resource sharing will become a common consensus among people. We all know a general principle, that is, “the higher the degree of sharing of things, the greater its value.” A person, the more people he serves, the greater his value; a park, the more visitors it has, the greater its value; a sum of money, the faster its circulation and the more hands it passes through, the greater its value; a region, the more people come and go, the greater its value, and the more civilized and developed it will be.

The call for enjoying old age will become louder and louder. Everyone will age, and how to spend one’s old age will be a problem that everyone will think about. Traditional old-age models, such as relying on children for support, relying on nursing homes for old age, etc., are no longer suitable for the needs of human civilization development. New types of old-age methods will be born, and allowing everyone to enjoy their old age will become a common wish and demand of mankind.

The accelerated development of artificial intelligence will force people to live collectively. With the gradual penetration of artificial intelligence into people’s daily life, a large number of people will lose their jobs. Faced with the rapid changes, individual abilities and knowledge and skills are no longer able to cope with the rapidly changing times. Only by living collectively can we cope with the diverse objective needs.

Free migration within the global scope is a goal that everyone aspires to. The occurrence of hunger, war, and turmoil is mainly due to the fact that people are restricted to a specific area and cannot move. When all Earth’s citizens have the freedom to migrate like migratory birds, many disasters can be avoided. Free migration can break down the barriers and gaps of regional culture and ethnic culture, fostering a sense of global integration among people. This sense will eventually lead everyone to love the Earth, our common home.

When marriage and family disappear, when nations disintegrate, when people have the freedom to migrate globally, when an increasing number of self-media outlets emerge like bamboo shoots after a rain, when artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence and problem-solving abilities, and when a large number of people are unemployed with nothing to do, one may ask: Which existing system and culture in the world today can solve and handle these extremely complex problems?

The answer is: No country, party, religion, or organization can handle it.

The only path for mankind is Xuefeng-style communism.

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