The Acquisition and Consumption Algorithm of the F Coin


March 30, 2023

If you have acquired 5000 F Coins, you can enter the paradise on earth – the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, where basic living conditions are provided for you, retirement is not a problem, being a bridegroom every day and a bride every night is not a problem, and you no longer have to worry about food, clothing, shelter, aging, illness, and death. You don't have to worry about unemployment, loneliness, let alone theft, or fraud. This place is so beautiful that you'll exclaim: "It's awesome!"

So, how do you get F-Coins?

If you distribute the Chat-plains webpage to 10 people, you will get 1 F Coin. If you distribute it to 100 people, you will get 10 F Coins, and so on.

If you distribute the "800 Values for New Era Human Being (3rd Edition)" to 10 people, you will get 1 F Coin. If you distribute it to 100 people, you will get 10 F Coins, and so on.

If you make a contribution to Lifechanyuan International Family Society by donating $5, you will get 1 F Coin. If you donate $100, you will get 20 F Coins, and so on.

If you volunteer for the paradise on earth - the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, you will get 2 F Coins for a day's work and 20 F Coins for 10 days' work.

If you help outstanding people in various fields, such as scientists, musicians, professors, doctors, thinkers, entrepreneurs, writers, famous craftsmen, singers, and dancers, out of their difficulties in life, you will get 100 F Coins for each person you help.

If you save someone from the brink of death, no matter for what reason, you will get 100 F Coins.

If you participate in rescue work in the event of a natural disaster, you will get 2 F Coins per day.

If you volunteer for no pay, no matter where you are, you will get 1 F Coin per day.

As long as you provide conclusive evidence, a certificate will be issued to you. With this certificate, when your F Coins accumulate to 5000, you can enter and take pleasure in the paradise on earth - the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator.

The following are the details of how F Coins are consumed.

Killing a wild animal, including a wild bird, will consume 1 F Coin.

Injuring a person will consume 100 F Coins.

Fighting with someone once will consume 2 F Coins.

Quarreling with someone once will consume 0.5 F Coin.

Insulting and framing someone once will consume 5 F Coins.

If a student reports a teacher, a disciple reports a master, or a child reports a parent, the student, disciple, or child will consume 10 F Coins.

Stealing someone else's property will consume 2 F Coins per time.

Raping someone will consume 100 F Coins per time.

For the above consumption, as long as someone provides evidence, the corresponding amount will be deducted from their "heavenly treasure F Coins." Once the total number of F Coins of a member living in the paradise on earth - the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator below 5000 due to consumption, they will be immediately expelled from the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator. When they accumulate enough F Coins outside the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, they can return to the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator again.

As of March 2031, the above rules for acquiring and consuming F Coins will not become outdated, but more detailed rules will be introduced in the future.

Last updated