Hating the Wealthy Will Lead to Poverty


Jan. 12, 2022

Philosophy tells us that the principle of unity of opposites is universal in the universe. For everything, there exists something that is its opposite. If there is an up, there must be a down; if there is beauty, there must be ugliness; if there is wealth, there must be poverty, and so on.

This existence of opposites is not only reflected in the external world but also within ourselves. It means that within the same person, there can also be opposing aspects. For example, if you dislike wearing clothes, then you can only be naked; if you dislike the truth, you can only live in falsehood; if you dislike men, you can only become a woman. Therefore, if you hate the wealthy, you will inevitably head towards poverty.

From this, we discover a pattern: things tend to move towards their despised opposite.

Based on this pattern, we can draw the following conclusions:

If you hate heaven, you will move towards its opposite - hell.

If you hate hell, you will move towards its opposite - heaven.

If you despise landlords, capitalists, and the wealthy, then you will move towards being a poor farmer, a wage laborer, or a beggar.

If you despise violence, you will move towards peace. Likewise, if you despise peace, you will move towards violence.

If a country eliminates all the rich people, that country will inevitably move towards poverty.

If a country despises civilization, it will move towards ignorance and backwardness.

If all members of a nation respect, admire, and protect the wealthy, that nation will move towards prosperity and strength. On the contrary, if everyone discriminates against, insults, and suppresses the wealthy, that nation will move towards poverty, backwardness, and weakness.

Likewise, if a nation, a country, despises nations and countries that are wealthier and more civilized than itself, that nation and country will inevitably move towards poverty, isolation, backwardness, ignorance, and barbarism.

From this, we can draw another conclusion: You will move towards what you like.

If you like cleanliness and tidiness, you will get rid of filth and messiness.

If you like wealth, you will overcome poverty.

If you like saints, you will transcend being a laity or mortal.

If you like freedom, you will break free from the shackles of slavery.

If you like heaven, you will escape the engulfment of hell.

Our reality is created by our consciousness. A consciousness of poverty can only create a reality of poverty, and only a consciousness of wealth can create a life of abundance. Just look at Israel and Japan, and then look at Zimbabwe and Venezuela. The logic is evident.

Do you want to live in heaven? If so, you must first have the consciousness of heaven. How can you have the consciousness of heaven? Take a look at my descriptions of the Thousand-year World, Ten-thousand-year World, and the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent. With those descriptions, you can have the consciousness of heaven. If you don't believe in my description of heaven, then look at the production and living scenes in the real Second Home on Earth. They can also nurture the consciousness of heaven. Without the consciousness of heaven, no matter how much you practice or strive, you will never reach heaven.

In conclusion, hating the wealthy will lead to poverty. Consciousness determines one's present situation and future.

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