The Meaning of Life

Deiform Buddha

July 28, 2024

I see many people online saying that life has no real meaning; we are just born and have to work hard to stay alive. Others say that the meaning of life lies within ourselves, and whatever meaning we give it, that is its meaning.

Watching and listening to people discuss the meaning of life amuses me.

The meaning of a lower-level LIFE form is defined by a higher-level LIFE form, not by the LIFE form itself.

A piglet once asked its mother, "Mom, what is the meaning of a pig's life?"

A dog pondered, "What is the meaning of a dog's life?"

A cow plowing the field felt very tired and asked its companion, "What is the meaning of our lives as cows?"

Do pigs, dogs, and cows know the meaning of their lives?

They absolutely do not. If pigs were born knowing that they would eventually be slaughtered, how could they live their lives?

The meaning of the existence of pigs, dogs, cows, and other animals is known only to humans. The animals themselves do not know because human LIFE is of a higher order than theirs.

Can humans know the meaning of human life?

Definitely not. Only a LIFE form higher than humans knows the true meaning of human existence.

What is the meaning of the existence of a mobile phone? The phone itself does not know; only the person who created it knows its purpose.

We humans plant wheat, rice, and vegetables. We know the value and significance of wheat, rice, and vegetables, but these plants themselves do not know their own value and significance.

To understand the meaning of life, we must ask the higher-level LIFE forms that created and manage humans, because only they know the meaning of human existence. We humans do not know our own value and significance.

Of course, if someone possesses holographic thinking and practices and cultivates themselves to become a higher-level LIFE form than humans, the meaning of their lives becomes apparent!

I know a little bit, but unless you become a Chanyuan Celestial, I won’t—nor dare—tell you the meaning of life.

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