Collecting New Era Life Values from Global Citizens


May 20, 2014

In order to inherit the wisdom of the past saints and sages comprehensively and to absorb the precious thoughts of today’s saints and sages, and to realize the dreams of “the talented will be put to good use, and the whole world will be one family”, “no one would pocket anything found on the ground, and doors are not bolted at night”, and “everyone is joyful, happy, free, and blessed; human beings can develop sustainably”, the 800 Values For New Era Human Beings will begin its third revision.

Every citizen on earth can take part in this activity regardless of which religion, political party, country, nation, or ethnic background he or she belongs. Anyone interested please selflessly devote your wisdom to the betterment of the entire human race, because as long as your thoughts are beneficial to the interests of all humanity, we will accept and compile them into the third version of the 800 Values For New Era Human Beings.

Please note that we are calling for values, not views or beliefs. We are calling for Life Values, not market values, country values, religious values, values for political parties, etc.

Values are the crystallization of wisdom and thoughts, but thoughts and wisdom are not values. The values we need are life principles to follow. Therefore, please condense your wisdom and thoughts into values which can be expressed concisely and succinctly, but with rich content, and use one sentence instead of two sentences if it is already clear enough. Please do not explain your values or present your reasoning with long texts.

Please contribute your wisdom and values regarding these eight aspects:

· How to achieve a harmonious coexistence among people, society, and nature.

· How to let everyone on earth have dignified, joyful, happy, free, and blessed lives.

· What values, modes, and phenomena in people's lives are ignorant and backward, and with what new ones should they be replaced?

· What kind of lives should we lead in order to resonate with the laws of nature and of human nature?

· What kind of belief system, moral system, and value system should we build?

· What is the meaning of civilization and what kind of civilized principles and etiquette should we follow?

· The universe is infinite and creation is limitless, so toward what direction should we walk and what kind of life level or condition should we pursue?

· What right values should human beings follow in all aspects of the fields of their production and lives.

We will bring people into the highly civilized Lifechanyuan era, and this will be a common objective for all human beings. We hope everyone on earth will participate in it actively, and we look forward to the contributions of foresight and understanding, and incisive values by the sages of this time.

What we need is positive, optimistic, and very creative energy. Therefore, we will turn a deaf ear to all that is negative and pessimistic. For those values which are directive or educative, or sound like advice or guidance, unless you have done it yourself and have reached that standard, please do not bother us because we have no time to listen to moralizing.

But if your values are correct, we will follow them immediately. The Second Home of Lifechanyuan is a big international family, and this family leads a life completely according to the 800 Values For New Era Human Beings. As the life and production modes in the Second Home become more and more perfect, it will achieve a lever at which it will be able to change the fate of humans and will lead the world into a higher, more civilized level.

Please be aware that many groups of people in the world are totally selfless and have dedicated their lives to the happiness of all people. These are the pioneers who are moving forward and are striving for the best.

Please spread this article as widely as you can!

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