Transcending Time and Space by Living in the Future


June 16, 2018

Man is LIFE. LIFE is a nonmaterial structure with spirituality. The core component of LIFE is consciousness. For consciousness, there is no question of reality and illusion, no question of time and space, and no question of past and future. Reality and illusion, time and space, are a problem that stubbornly exist in human perception. For LIFE itself, these problems do not exist.

The essence of LIFE is perception and experience. Without perception and experience, there is no LIFE. In other words, LIFE without perception and experience does not exist. As far as perception and experience are concerned, there is no difference between dreams and reality. There is no difference between playing games online and directly participating in games. There is no difference between virtual and real situations. There is no difference between a face-to-face chat and a dream chat. There is no difference between recalling the past and looking forward to the future, and there is no difference between concrete practice and imaginative practice. For example, in the illusory scene of dreams, what we perceive and experience in dreams is the same as what we perceive and experience in reality. So long as it is perception and experience, for LIFE itself, there is no problem with the illusion of reality, no problem of past, present, and future.

Human cognition can never go beyond reality, time and space. This is the limitation of human cognition. This limitation restricts our thinking to four-dimensional time and space, so that we cannot break through the shackles of reality, time and space. The sayings and viewpoints of "living in the present" are the most typical examples of cognition and thinking fettered by reality, time and space. In other words, the cognition and understanding of "living in the present" is purely human thinking, it is not the cognition and thinking of LIVES higher than human beings.

Now, let’s discuss the feasibility of transcending time and space from human cognition.

What has happened is called the past or history; what is happening is called the present or now; what is going to happen is called the future or the time to come. Now let’s make a choice, would you like to live in the past, in the present, or in the future?

For those who have had a good past, they want to live in the past, but also look forward to the future. For people who have had a painful past, they do not want to live in the past. So, how many people are willing to live in the present? Except for those who are enjoying life at this moment, most people are willing to live in the future, because the future has not yet happened, and they can look forward to a happy situation.

The main point of this article is that now is the most difficult time for LIFE. Food, clothing, shelter, transportation, birth, aging, sickness and death have brought enough worry to people. Electricity bills, water fees, internet fees, gas fees, fuel fees, transportation fees, vehicle, house etc. repair costs, house rent, and land tax have given people enough to be anxious about, the giving of presents between people is annoying enough, personal safety is also worrisome, and the natural disasters and causal disasters that occur anytime and anywhere are heart-rending. Therefore, living in this moment is the most troublesome and painful experience. Since LIFE lies in perception and experience, it is wise to consciously avoid and escape the current situation of confusion and sorrow.

There is a sad reality that we have to face. Nearly a million people commit suicide every year around the world. Millions of people attempt suicide. Hundreds of millions of people have thought of suicide. Why do they commit suicide? Because the present is too bitter, there is no hope, no turning point, no bright future, so they just choose to commit suicide. This is the life tragedy of those who live in the moment. Now let’s envision that if a person in such current distress knows that he will receive one million yuan tomorrow, or will encounter a noble person who will bring himself out of a real tragic situation, or the world will be reversed and his sorrow will end soon, or he gets to know in a few years that he will turn the situation around and become successful, or knows that he will enjoy a wonderful life in the endless heaven in the future. Then, will he commit suicide? Of course not. Not only will he not commit suicide, but he will live happily every day. This means that letting the consciousness live in the future makes life better than living in the present.

Therefore, allow yourself to live in the future and imagine that in the future you can live in the New Oasis for LIFE created by Lifechanyuan. Imagine that you are living in the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, the Celestial Islands Continent. In this way, your current misery will be alleviated. No matter how hard or difficult it is, you will survive it. Your current troubles and pains will disappear into smoke and clouds, and all worries and fears will be just illusions in front of you. Hence, you will feel that every day is interesting to live, just like playing games and even if death comes, you will be fearless and even accept it with joy.

This is the way to transcend time and space. We must know that the future is created by visualized thinking. The essence of LIFE is perception and experience. In this case, living in a beautiful future is more meaningful and valuable than living in the present. One of the mysteries of LIFE is that perception and experience determine the taste and state of LIFE. That being the case, why bother letting the consciousness experience a miserable moment? Why not let the consciousness experience a bright future? Anyway, consciousness does not distinguish between reality and illusion. Everything we experience is the essential attribute of LIFE.

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