The Magical Power of Faith and Hope


March 21, 2021

On September 9, 2019, the World Health Organization reported that, on average, 800,000 people commit suicide globally every year. According to statistical analysis, the number of suicide attempts is 20 times that of completed suicides. Suicide is a result of losing faith and hope.

The impact of suicide and suicide attempts on people is estimated at four individuals affected per person, resulting in 64 million people worldwide experiencing extreme suffering annually. If we add the suffering caused by diseases, conflicts, poverty, wars, and disasters, it's safe to say that, not exaggerating, two to three billion people live in pain every year.

We cannot turn a blind eye to this. We must liberate people from suffering.

The way to liberation is through faith and hope because faith and hope have a miraculous power.

In a major earthquake in Los Angeles, 14 children were rescued 36 hours after the quake. The core factor behind their rescue was the faith and hope of one child and his father. The father once told his son, "No matter what happens, I will be with you." The son's faith and hope were, "My father will come to save me." This belief and hope infected the other 13 children, helping them survive the dangerous period of fear and despair and ultimately being rescued.

On August 5, 2010, a collapse occurred at the San Jose copper mine in northern Chile. Thirty-three miners were trapped 700 meters underground, and those above ground didn't know if they were alive or dead. The 33 miners managed to take refuge in a shelter, but their situation was dire. The shelter held only enough food for two to three days, yet they persisted for a full 17 days. They survived by consuming just two spoonfuls of canned fish per day per person. How did they manage to survive until they were finally rescued on the 69th day? The answer is faith and hope.

In times of despair, as long as one holds onto faith and hope, there is a chance to transform danger into safety.

In today's era, one of the best examples of maintaining faith and hope is the Chanyuan celestials of Lifechanyuan. A group of ordinary people, more than a hundred in number, began living together in a communist model since 2009. Over the past eleven years, they have faced repeated hardships. They built three idyllic paradises in Yunnan province. Due to the government's lack of understanding, they were driven out of their homes, and their more than 20 million yuan in property went to waste. They then built a home in Nanjing, only to be evicted again by the government. Meanwhile, they created three homes in Xinjiang, only to be driven out again. Returning to Yunnan, they built three more homes, only to face hardship once more and be forced out. The group exhausted its funds, feeling that there was no place for them in the world. However, they overcame these difficulties and persisted until today. Several more homes have been rebuilt, especially the two homes in Thailand received support from local temple abbots. The home building in Canada was delayed due to the pandemic but remains standing.

Despite being in dire straits, we did not lose hope. We did not stop moving forward because our faith remained unshaken, and our hope never turned into despair. We firmly believe that the Greatest Creator will not abandon us, we believe in the justice of the Tao, we believe that the government's lack of understanding is only temporary, and we believe that, as long as there are no unlawful or unruly acts, the government will one day understand and allow us to live according to the communist model. Additionally, our profound understanding of countless secrets of the universe, time, space, and LIFE has filled us with immense hope and confidence in the future.

Without the support of faith and hope, Lifechanyuan would have long vanished.

From the practical experience of Lifechanyuan New Oasis for Life, we have gained a profound understanding: as long as all of humanity embarks on the way of the Greatest Creator, the path of Lifechanyuan, and enter into the "Xuefeng-style" communist form production and life, the 800,000 people won't commit suicide every year, and the suffering of hundreds of millions of people will not only be alleviated but may even disappear entirely.

The entire human race should embrace one faith: Lifechanyuan can save humanity and rescue people from the sea of suffering.

The entire human race should hold on to one hope: As long as Lifechanyuan exists, the beautiful life that humanity dreams of will undoubtedly come.

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