USD, Bitcoin, or F-Coin: Which is More Powerful and Has a Better Future?


March 30, 2023

USD refers to the currency used in various countries around the world, such as the Euro, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan, and so on.

Bitcoin refers to all encrypted virtual currencies, such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Ripple, Litecoin, and so on.

F-coins refer to a currency that cannot circulate in the market but can guarantee a person's survival needs, which is a currency that exists between reality and virtuality.

Currencies used by various countries, such as USD, depend on credit. Once that credit weakens or collapses, such currencies will become worthless in an instant. For example, in 1993, 150,000 Zimbabwean dollars could buy a villa in the capital city of Harare, but by 2009, 150,000 Zimbabwean dollars could only buy a roll of toilet paper.

Encrypted virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, depend on people's recognition. If people no longer recognize it, it is like a bubble on the water, just like the tulip bubble in 17th-century Holland. Once the bubble bursts, it will collapse in an instant, causing millions of people to lose everything. When people recognize it, it is more precious than gold. When people don't recognize it, it is worth less than dirt.

F-Coin is a heavenly currency. It is not printed by a printing press but created by each person's words and deeds. You are the printing press of F-Coin. Once you have it, financial institutions cannot cheat you, and you don't have to worry about its devaluation. Thieves cannot steal or rob it. Even if it exists in your phone, no trick can take it away, and others cannot use it. Therefore, it cannot be used for loans. Once a person has a certain amount of F-Coin, they can go to a paradise on earth - the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator– to live. Everything you need in terms of material goods is provided for you there, including food, clothing, housing, transportation, and even the necessities of life which cover birth, aging, illness, and death.

Which currency do you think is more powerful and has a better future - USD, Bitcoin, or F-Coin?

Do you want to know how to get F-coins? Please refer to "Acquiring and Consumption of F-coins".

Last updated