How to Break Free from Mental Fallacies (Part 1)


March 2, 2022

Those who focus on the outcome of life are the most unfortunate, while those who enjoy the present are the most carefree.

Many people tend to weigh the pros and cons, look ahead, and consider all the possible obstacles and difficulties before making plans or decisions. I want to say that this is a mental fallacy and a mindset that leads to a pessimistic life.

For example, if a couple planning to get married knows that they will divorce ten years later, they might choose not to get married at all, and even if they do get married, their days will not be as sweet. On the other hand, if they are unaware of the future divorce, they can experience a period of sweetness and enjoy a wonderful time during their love and marriage.

Suppose Lifechanyuan had informed all the Chanyuan celestials before creating the Second Home that no matter how many communities we build, they will eventually be destroyed by the government. In that case, would Chanyuan celestials still have the enthusiasm and passion to create numerous communities? Would they still put meticulous effort into building beautiful and magnificent communities? Of course not. If the results were not revealed in advance, Chanyuan celestials would wholeheartedly and passionately create communities, even if they were eventually destroyed. What would be the significance in that?

Now I ask: Are there any Chanyuan celestials who regretted their decision to participate in the creation of communities? I speculate that there isn't a single one. Why is that? It's because we have experienced a way of life that 99% of humanity has never experienced during the process of creating communities. Through firsthand experience, we have come to know the existence of the Thousand-year World, and from there, we can deduce the existence of the Ten-thousand-year World and the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent. At the same time, we have experienced true happiness, joy, freedom, and bliss. As a result, our vision has expanded, our mindset has grown, our state of being has elevated, and our understanding of the current state of human society has deepened. Most importantly, our consciousness has transformed from human consciousness to celestial consciousness. This is a leap in life, a transformation, and an adventure on the glorious journey of life. Therefore, I speculate that no Chanyuan celestial regrets immersing themselves in the life of creating communities.

Therefore, we come to a thinking conclusion: Engage in life, engage in creation, but do not dwell on the difficulties that may arise during the process, and do not ponder over the outcome, because the outcome is within the process itself. If the process is beautiful, life will be more meaningful, and the result of life is bound to be beautiful.

So, do not pursue the outcome of life, for the outcome of life is death. What we pursue is the result of LIFE. When life is elevated, no matter how the process of life unfolds, it will be meaningful and valuable. Even if the government repeatedly destroys the communities we have built, we have already obtained what we were meant to obtain and will never regret it.

Look at the historical figures; the outcomes of their lives are almost always unfortunate. Knowing that life can be unfortunate, yet people in the present still passionately strive, struggle, worry, suffer, laugh, and cry. This grand drama of life on the stage continues to play out without any novelty. Those who understand this truth live extraordinary, romantic, carefree lives, while those who do not understand this truth not only lead unfortunate lives but also face even more unfortunate outcomes in life.

This is called awakening, also known as enlightenment.

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