A Ramble about Life


May 23, 2018

Rambling is chatting. Chatting can be endless, free from rules and regulations, letting one’s thoughts float in the wind, aimlessly like mature dandelion seeds.

Everyone encounters two doors every day. One door leads to heaven and the other leads to hell. Whether you go to heaven or to hell depends entirely on how you treat people and things. If you treat them right, your path ahead will be bright and full of flowers; and if you treat them wrong, your path ahead will be full of mud, and you can only trudge along.

Every day in life, we are taking exams. What we should do and how to do it is the exam. The examiner is the Greatest Creator. Our ultimate destination is decided by the accumulated daily exam results. With excellent results, there is no doubt we will go to heaven; with poor results, there is no doubt we will go to hell.

Every day in life, we can have the good fortune of meeting angels. In everyday life, we always deal with people. Even the person we meet in the WeChat group might be an angel. If we treat angels kindly and sincerely, our lives might turn around and we may get to know the secrets of life; if we treat angels badly, we may miss a good connection and a good future.

Everyone’s outcome is an accumulation of his lifetime’s thoughts and behavior. Do not take the chance and think that if you hurt a person or LIFE you will not be punished. It is impossible. Punishment is bound to come. Even if we once ridiculed someone, even if we once gave someone a contemptuous look, even if we once humiliated someone with vulgar language, punishment would inevitably come. Some punishments are obvious, but most of the punishments are without a trace. It just happens without our noticing of it. For example, we should have eaten ginseng fruit, but in fact we got sour plums; we should have done something smoothly, but in fact we encountered obstacles and resistance.

To analyze and judge a phenomenon, three basic factors need to be considered, one is affection, one is reason, and one is nature. Some phenomena conform to affection but not reason and nature, some phenomena conform to reason but not affection and nature, and some phenomena conform to nature but not affection and reason. Some unreasonable phenomena are in line with affection and nature, some ruthless phenomena are in line with reason and nature, and some phenomena that are neither in line with reason nor affection but are in line with nature. Therefore, it is best not to judge any phenomenon in life. It is easy to misjudge and cause harm, unless we take everything into consideration, that are the three factors: affection, reason, and nature.

Last year, I went to Vanuatu, the Pacific Island country, and chatted with Mr. Stephen, the person in charge of "Eden of the East". He said that people should be vegetarian instead of meat eaters. I asked, can't we eat pork? He said we shouldn’t. I said that everything has its value of existence, so what is the value of existence of pigs? He told me a lot and it made sense, but I explained my understanding to him. I said that balance is a law of the universe. This law conforms to the law that the sum of positive and negative energies is zero. Its basic principle is that it rises here but falls there, it increases here but decreases there, it gains here but loses there, and it strengthens here but weakens there. For example, if a person’s words hurt many people, the balance of it will be that he can no longer talk; if a person takes advantage of the world, he will definitely be balanced by paying the price for this; if a person owes someone a debt, it will be balanced by his repaying the debt; if a person cruelly killed another LIFE, it will definitely be balanced by the giving of his own LIFE. In this sense, a pig must be the reincarnation of a certain person as a result of his words bringing too much hurt to others, he took too much advantage of others, he owed too much debt, and cruelly killed a certain LIFE. Only by reincarnating as a pig and paying with his own hair, bones, blood, flesh and LIFE can he balance the debts he owed in his previous life. In this sense, eating meat is a kind of benevolence, and not eating meat is cruel. Why do I say so? When a person owes a debt, he will be reincarnated as a pig to repay. If you do not eat his meat, that means that he is not allowed to repay his debts, and he has to continue to carry his debts and reincarnate again and again in the livestock world. This is a bit cruel. But if you eat his meat, it lets him repay his debts and leave behind his reincarnation in the pig world and return to the human world as a human being, isn’t it a good deed?

There are endless truths that people need to learn and understand in their lives. There is a deep understanding that I want to share with everyone. This is to never hurt anyone in your life. Do not hurt with words, nor with deeds, eyes, mouth, hands, feet, or thoughts. Even if others hurt you, you must never "deal with a man as he deals with you". Just say good words, as many as you like, and never say anything bad. Once you do, it will become sin, and it will be too late to remedy.

Fish are in the water, people are in the Tao, and the operation and changes of all phenomena and things in the world are in the Tao, and there are no people or things that should be wronged. Feeling being wronged is because of your not understanding cause and effect. If you understand the law of cause and effect, you will know that everything is appropriate. It is really “Divine punishments, though slow, are always sure. With big meshes yet letting nothing slip through”. Therefore, if others hurt you, they will be handed over to the Tao’s handling and arrangement. We ourselves will never hurt people, will never hurt anyone.

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