Lifechanyuan's View on UFOs and Aliens


November 26, 2010

First, I encourage everyone to search the internet for the abundant resources related to aliens and UFOs, where you’ll find a wealth of “detailed” information. I won’t provide specific examples here.

Lifechanyuan's perspective is that no aliens have ever visited Earth, and all reports of extraterrestrial visits are unfounded. There are two main reasons for this: First, the closest planet with life is 960 light-years away from Earth, and this planet lacks the science and technology necessary to create spacecraft, so they cannot come to Earth. The American Astronomical Society has discovered that the closest exoplanet with signs of life is 250 million light-years away. Even if aliens lived 250 million light-years away, traveling to Earth at physical speeds is pure fantasy and entirely impossible—unless, of course, you disregard science. Second, even if the “wormholes” and “micro-wormholes” that scientists like Stephen Hawking theorize about do exist, or even if there were “Stargates,” aliens with advanced UFO technology would not look like what we currently “see” on Earth. At the very least, they would be far more beautiful than humans. Yet, the so-called aliens that people claim to have seen or imagined are always depicted as ugly. Of course, from a beast’s aesthetic perspective, humans might appear ugly, but in any case, beauty is typically defined by factors such as symmetry, proportion, and color. The more advanced a lifeform is, the better its symmetry, the closer its proportions are to the “Golden Ratio,” and its colors more harmonious with visual art. If aliens were advanced enough to reach Earth, they would be more advanced than humans—so how could they be so ugly? And even if these aliens were “evil,” does that mean all evil beings must be ugly?

The conclusion is: Aliens have never visited Earth.

So what about the UFOs people claim to see? And what about reports of some individuals being abducted by aliens, describing the beings they saw? And what about the crop circle phenomena observed in various locations?

The answer is: UFOs do not come from other planets; they originate within our solar system, more specifically, from the Moon. The so-called aliens that people “see” are not living beings, but “biological robots.” Take the recently discovered “Mexican alien baby” as an example. Research by scientists has shown that the "Mexican alien baby" lacks the DNA components essential to life because it is a biological robot. Strictly speaking, it is merely a machine under remote control. Moreover, can a so-called "alien baby" the size of a chicken egg even be considered a "person"? It’s just a biological entity. As for whether the "Mexican alien baby" is real or a hoax, that remains to be seen.

The real mystery is that the solar system, Earth, the Moon, and other celestial bodies were created according to the plan of the Greatest Creator by angels under the guidance of gods. The entire solar system was designed to serve humanity, and all life on Earth was created. After the creation was completed, most angels left Earth, leaving behind only a few to guard it. These remaining angels primarily live in underground bases, especially in an underwater pyramid-like base near the Bermuda Triangle at around 30 degrees north latitude. They frequently remotely control UFOs from inside the Moon to monitor everything happening on Earth. There is a door on the far side of the Moon (the side invisible from Earth), which can be opened, allowing UFOs to come and go.

Everything on Earth is under their supervision. The crop circles found in various locations are also the work of these guardian angels; they are not intended to provide humans with any special revelations, but rather serve as temporary markers. As for what these markers signify, it is beyond human comprehension and can only be guessed at.

Some people seem to possess extraordinary thinking and consciousness, such as those involved in the invention and creation of the internet. In reality, these were not human achievements alone, but rather the result of the guardian angels of Earth transferring their thoughts and consciousness into these inventions. People may sometimes feel they are thinking and creating independently, but in truth, they are unconsciously following a program and carrying out the commands of higher life forms.

As long as humanity follows the way of the Greatest Creator, all will be well; otherwise, natural and man-made disasters will continue to strike.

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