Frankly Speaking, You Cannot Go to Heaven


July 3, 2008

If you never praise others, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you do not have a vision of heaven, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you cannot entertain with everyone, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you are always critical of others, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you are unwilling to give up yourself, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you cannot fit in harmoniously with others, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you always think you are right, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you cannot even express yourself clearly, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If your mind is scattered and your thoughts are unclear, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you do not make those around you happy, joyful, free, and content, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you are unwilling to clean the toilet, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you do not cherish nature, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you blaspheme or insult the Greatest Creator, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you have unresolved debts in the human world, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you have not stored up treasures in heaven, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you have consciously abused or harmed LIFE, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you only love one person and not everyone, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you like to get angry and lose your temper, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you do not have the intention and actions to help others succeed, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you only care about your own possessions and ignore the life and death of the bigger picture, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you do not respect others, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you are inflexible, stick to conventions, and stubbornly cling to your own opinions, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you only know how to talk but not how to act, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you do not keep your promises and always disappoint others, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you do not respect your ancestors and elders, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you do not show love and care for the young, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you are always quarreling, fighting, and competing with your brothers and sisters, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you are always attacking and refuting others, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you always see others' faults but cannot see your own shortcomings, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you are never grateful and always feel wronged, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you are too naive, too calculating, or too cunning, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you love yourself more than you love the Greatest Creator, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If there is too much pain in your heart, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you do not put in your own effort and always expect a pie in the sky, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you have no faith in heaven, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

If you defame, curse, insult, or blaspheme either Christ Jesus or Buddha Sakyamuni, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

No matter how many scriptures you can recite, how long you have practiced and cultivated, what special abilities you possess, whether you are a Christian, a Buddhist, or a follower of any other master or saint, no matter how many principles you have written or spoken, or how much wealth, status, or reputation you have, if the structure of your own LIFE is not perfect, frankly speaking, you cannot go to heaven.

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