Reflections for All Christians and Buddhists


March 14, 2011

In the heavenly kingdom, there is no marriage or family. Therefore, anyone who is in a marriage or family—whether you are a Christian, a Buddhist, or of any other faith—will certainly not enter the heavenly kingdom in the next life.

Those who live in the heavenly kingdom must be completely free of personal desires. Anyone who is in a marriage or family, regardless of who you are, inevitably harbors some level of personal desire. As long as you remain in a marriage or family, you will absolutely not enter the heavenly kingdom.

Anyone who, during their life as a human, has not engaged in sexual activity or who dislikes sexual activity will definitely not enter the heavenly kingdom, because such actions go against the Creator’s intent.

Anyone who possesses wealth or any external possessions (including people) should not expect to enter the heavenly kingdom. In the heavenly kingdom, residents have nothing, for possession leads to trouble and suffering.

If you are in a marriage or family, please refrain from educating or guiding others on how to practice and enter the heavenly kingdom. Close your mouth, because you yourself cannot enter the heavenly kingdom and cannot meet the standards or follow the guidance you set for others.

I can tell you all of this with absolute certainty because I am the messenger of the Greatest Creator, the embodiment of gods, buddhas, and celestial beings.

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