Xuefeng’s Pride of Qualifications and Capital


September 21, 2020

To be proud, one must have qualifications and capital, otherwise they are either neurotic or at least in some way, mentally ill. Xuefeng’s pride of qualifications and capital are as follows.

  1. I have analyzed the three elements that make up the universe and unified Buddhism with science organically for the first time. These three elements are the "universal unified field theory" that scientists have been seeking diligently to obtain. This is something that can never be achieved by human thinking and wisdom. It is okay if you do not understand the mystery, but do not make noise, because I would never expect a donkey to understand it, but braying is very annoying.

  2. I have written nearly one-hundred and ten thousand characters to show people the birth process of the Greatest Creator, His characteristics, and His relationship to humankind which provides a basis for us to understand Him correctly. This is an unprecedented pioneering work.

  3. I have analyzed the principles and essence of LIFE. This has never been done before and can never be done again. No one can surpass this analysis; if anyone thinks that they are better than me, just try to re-analyze it.

  4. I have created a new mode of production and life that has never been seen before in history - Xuefeng-style communism - the mode of production and life for the future.

  5. I have analyzed the nature of marriages and families; although many people have studied them throughout history, their analyses cannot be compared to mine.

  6. I have interpreted the eight forces of the universe for the first time; scientists currently only recognize four of them.

  7. I have divided people into five categories according to their characteristics for the first time: ignorant ones, lay people, mortals, sages, and Celestials. These classifications make sense. Whoever wants to surpass me is invited to give it a try.

  8. I have described to people the eight levels of thinking based on the characteristics of LIFE for the first time, and have given detailed explanations.

  9. I have, for the first time in human history, guided nearly eighty people to become Celestials, opening a path to Celestial life for future generations.

  10. I have analyzed twenty parallel worlds and thirty-six dimensional spaces.

There are many more qualifications and capitals worthy of my pride, but I will not describe them one by one over here. The above ten are enough to make me proud and anyone who is not convinced is invited to post their abilities online.

I am really this proud, and in a few decades, humans will send me - Xuefeng - to the temple of God.

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